Adding More Gender Options?

Yes, this will save the game. Forget all the other stuff like “engaging content,” “good RPG gameplay,” and “plotlines that aren’t embarassing.”


You’re the one that made the argument, bud! Don’t get mad at me because of it.


Logically speaking yes. This is just a pot stirring topic because it really don’t make any sense.


If you read my other post you would know that i said it is meaningless gameplay or ingame wise but it is meaningful for many players.

it’s a game are you telling me that you’re a highmountain tauren?


So like .1% of people?


Eternally muted.


So this problem can simply be solved by role play? Cool cool. So there’s no point in diverting resources to it.


I find it easier on my sanity to not engage Ralph and Skinwalker in their forum “games”.


It’s always sunday somewhere


I see a new FX sitcom: “It’s Always Sunday on The Forums”. We’ll get Danny Devito to star.

List me one single person who is being discriminated against and then tell me what they pee out of.

Can’t tell if OP is being sarcastic or not but the fact Blizzard has options like that is sad. We’re male or female ffs. Go to the doctors when your chest nuts are sore and tell them you’re a female. Then be diagnosed wrong. All for the sake of “inclusiveness”. Society’s become a joke.


Oh, so non binary is male or female? I’m dying to hear this answered.


I’m pretty sure that’s just for the survey data.

So (and I’m not trying to debate in bad faith) you want a check box that is “non-binay” in addition to the current choices. But you still have to choose male or female for the purpose of graphical display.

I just don’t see a point beyond “make a minority of players feel better”… notice I said feel because nothing actually changes. Why should Blizzard devote developer time to something that will only please a minority (and an extremely small minority at that) when hero gender is never a subject matter? You can download many RP addons and write your own bio.

I would rather Blizzard devote that development time to fixing the countless bugs from past expansions. Or fixing the clearly imbalanced RNG system of world quests. Or adjusting balance of corruption effects. Or any of the other problems that would effect everyone playing.


The logic of these people makes no sense. They claim gender =/= sex. So my question is what is the purpose of having gender then? Do you conform to the standards of said gender, such as “non binary” in this case like a cultist? Do you become a hive mind which contradicts that this is about how people “feel”? I like boxing, I love animals, I eat meat and put rationality above feelings. So what gender am I? Isn’t it easier to say I’m male or female and just be me in every way that makes me, me with out some useless mundane label?


This again ? Last one hasnt been 2 weeks old yet.

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how do you make a gender identity that you are unable to visually identify?

One is an physical manifestation, the other is a social construct.


There are only two choices because there are only two genders. Pretending to be the opposite gender doesn’t make you a third gender. If you’re male and “identify” as female then roll a female toon. If you’re female and “identify” as male then roll a male toon. Simple.


Exactly the same as binary gendered people when naked. it’s all drag/clothing/makeup, whatever. You have what you have physically, and you deal with it. It’s expression. We already have that in a game. You can make any character and put any type of clothing on it (within transmog restrictions). Everything is already in game to make a non-binary character. Use your imagination.