Adding More Gender Options?

Then why do “more options” need to be added if it isn’t about appearance?


I think OP is asking for a slime race. Come on Blizzard the people of Goldshire inn need this.!

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If we are talking in a genuine non bad faith way then the only reason to add such an option would be the same as the reason why our characters can be labeled as sylvanas loyalists.

Yeah there is no gameplay difference if you support sylvanas, no real changes either, your character is simply labeled as such and that often makes me and I assume more players feel better since without that, we are forced our characters to be goody 2 shoes selfless courageous heroes, people could RP to not be that before BfA but the way the game treats your character as well as how lore characters treat you is as a goody 2 shoes selfless hero, and that for many of us is disgusting which is why the meaningless option to be a sylvanas loyalist felt great, because I am not that and within the game my character has supported Sylvanas which is the last thing some goody 2 shoes would do.

It takes very little effort to create, has no real consequences but makes some players satisfied so usually definitely a quality of life change.

Though like I said in an earlier post I doubt they are gonna be doing that, at best they ll just be giving certain hairstyles, earrings, appearances that are mostly seen as feminine/masculine and give it to the opposite group

i don’t see where that question assumes they are talking about the in game characters. more of a general audience check question. :thinking:

You people sure do ask for a lot. Keep in mind, Blizzard is a company that hasn’t even updated the sky boxes in the vanilla zones.


Considering that everybody is born male or female, you could make a male or female toon and just pretend that he/she is non-binary.


So if looks don’t equal gender how would you make non-binary options in character creation?

Character creation is entirely visual.


You know whats more important that what the OP is talking about? Updating the resolution on the old 600x400 loading screens. That’s more important.


You can literally pick what gender you are, if you feel like a lady be a lady. what we really need is Ogres.


Simply by making the visual appearance separate from gender option, gender would be meaningless visually or gameplay wise and would simply be something completely up to the player, just like their name and identity.

Like i said, far too small and meaningful for some players change for blizzard to implement, I simply assume it would be more feminine hairstyles on males etc.

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You do realize you are engaging in the same bigotry you are arguing against, right?

You don’t like people stereotyping non-binary minorities, but you stereotype gamers.

Hypocritical and odd when some non-binary people are also gamers. Gamers are many different types of people.


The short answer is no.

The long answer I can’t make without somebody getting on my case, whether they be somebody in the LGTBQ community or one of those folks that make irritating “How many genders are there?!” jokes. It’s just kind of a loss for everybody.


You can make a wow character male in appearance, call it Tiffany and play as a female.
Nothing is stoping you.

RP as what ever you wish. There is no constraint.


Well if it’s meaningless then there’s not much point in diverting resources to putting it in the game, right?


Maybe some Fungi sort of race…

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Hey, why have any quality of life changes in the game ever, they dont make huge big changes that get people playing, why even bother with that meaningless sylvanas loyalist questline since nothing came out of it at the end : )


Ralph, there is no way to visually emulate whom someone is on the inside.


No, but your character being registered as a sylvanas loyalist to accurately portray them compared to be seen as a goody 2 shoes selfless hero is.

Same goes for that gender option. It would affect nothing but your self because you would know your character would be labeled accurately and wouldn’t be seen as something they are not.

The only thing I can see them doing is changing male to masculine and female to feminine. Maybe adding an option for androgynous.

My logic is that if someone is transgender they are going to want to play a character they see themselves as. Born a male, transitions into a woman, more likely they are going to pick the female toon if they want.

But I can see how someone might want to look like they are transgender in game too. But I kind of feel, that more often than not, that’s about the RP experience and not gender identity. But like I said, I can see how someone would like to portray their exact features in game.