Guys, it’s a survey to get data on current demographics. If they didn’t include a third option they’d of course risk the chance of getting into another controversy, and it costs them nothing to add that third option just to make sure they’re covering all the bases.
It doesn’t have anything to do with our character options, they just want to know the current break down of people who play their game.
It’s super interesting how “I don’t care how you identify” quickly devolves into mocking people for how they identify, calling them mentally ill, etc etc
You’ve got the male of the spices and the female of the species… I guess if you don’t like the stereo types you can play a female as a male and a male as a female so, no I think we do not’ need any more options. We have the 31 flavors covered!
I’m pretty sure the COVID-19 Stimulus Package Check with your “Male” or “Female” gender that’s in the governments database so you can receive your check says your either male or female. Just saying. Now, you wouldn’t turn down that $1,200 or $2,400 check because they got your “gender” wrong right? Yea…“When Reality Strikes Episode 429!!”
Be whatever you feel the need to be and I will respect that but deep down you are either male or female to me depending on what you have going down ‘yonder.’ noimsayin.
It’s super interesting how “we want more diversity” quickly devolves into mocking people for how they think, calling them bigots, “ists”, “phobs”, and then reporting any conflicting opinion until those people get banned for a week. Look to yourselves for the fascism. The great tool of the left and Blizzard moderators, the tool called silencing has been perpetrated against me, twice in this very thread. Who are the fascists? Blizzard and the progressive oppressors in these forums that use the report option for control of the dialogue… so much for diversity of thought.
There’s no genes in the game, there’s no gender roles, our characters don’t reproduce. All there is, are physical traits that artists have decided may belong to one sex or both. The appearances restricted to one sex make no sense. Female vulpera can have curled ears, why not males? Female pandas can have tails (if they’re red) but males cannot? I’ve found the female options are always better-looking than what males are allowed, which is why all of my characters are female. My sister tried to make a female vulpera, but didn’t notice it was set on male and made a critter she really liked the looks of—and was entirely unable to duplicate as a female. This is ridiculous, and entirely at the whim of the game creators. Why can’t my sister have a female vulpera with ears pointing straight up and black feet?