Adding More Gender Options?


Take a REAL time and take a sit and question what you just asked and what they asking and put two together and make a logical answer for question that is nonsense.

Because you misunderstood, overlooked something crucial and asking nonsense as question.

Why. Why must you necro these threads that people had blissfully forgotten about for months.


I identify as an apache attack helicopter, but I don’t think that’s ever going to be an option in-game. :helicopter:

why did you battle rez this thing…it had almost wiped.

There’s a trend of morons necroing threads today.


One guy necrod 2 or 3 threads that were about panda druids and this guy has been at it since this morning.

Great. Sunday was yesterday…or was it?

We need Forum kill points.

Minus 50 FKP for him!

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There is two genders, nothing else can disprove that. Plain and simple.