Adding More Gender Options?

its okay. i alerted the cyber police. the bad person wont hurt anyone anymore.


You lose. I have science. Genetics dont lie unlike your feelings.

I win dude. Give it up. Game over.

Your baiting wont work. Anyone with a brain can see thru your agenda to get a TOS violation from me so you can run to your report button. YOU LOST!


It doesn’t. You aren’t really in the ‘baby boomer’ generation if you were born after the mid-sixties.

Now, I suppose there are those (just as you say) that speak out of ignorance, and lump everyone that is middle-aged or older into that bracket
and that simply demonstrates a blatant ageism that is as bad as they accuse ‘boomers’ of.


I’ve never flagged anyone. But conspiracy minded doesn’t surprise me. Hold onto your feelings! They matter!

The problem is, some people still think ‘gender’ is a social construct separate from the sex of the body. It isn’t. Mind and body are not separate entities (you can thank Cartesian dualism for this error in thinking). Mind and body are simply two different aspects of a single organismic reality, such that what is felt in mind on some level will be reflected in the body. Modern biology/medicine shows us more and more that this is so, as well as ancient meditation philosophies (ie, everything is interconnected).

In addition, the Binary Standard is standard for a reason: nature ‘discovered’ the advantages of male/female reproduction (ie, genetic variation) more than a billion years ago, and has stayed with it ever since. Everything else is simply a variation of this Standard.

Please note: regardless of one’s orientation, everyone deserves equal dignity and rights. That shouldn’t even be debated.



You need only to look up Klinefelter syndrome or XYY syndrome (aka: Jacob’s syndrome) to realize it’s not that cut and dry. These aren’t that incredibly rare either given some sources report Klinefelter syndrome occurring in about 1 of 500 male (visually) births.

Then there are babies born with “ambiguous genitalia”, also called hermaphrodites, which have both male AND female genitals represented. In a practice I personally disagree with, most of these infants are surgically “corrected” to be “normal”.

 yeah. Neither physically nor genetically as incredibly cut and dry as people like to pretend.

Regardless of the tiny minuscule fraction of people with truly androgynous or intersex characteristics, the fact is that “gender” should not be conflated with sex. There are two sexes, and then there are a rare number who have characteristics of both. There is no third option, so Blizzard got that right.

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this thread is going places lol.

What’s the difference between your use of brainwashing and indoctrination and the development of science through the scientific theory? Because the multiple genders and identities are coming from doctors and scientists, not just some people teaching classes or sitting behind keyboards.

You can Google such topics on Psychology Today. So you don’t even believe in what you’re being taught about modern psychology? Should we go back to water torture and drilling holes in heads to alleviate mental illness?

It’s always been my understanding scientific theories adjust with new evidence. You start with two genders. You find out patients and regular people identify on a broad range, you adjust your theory.

you’re a psych minor? You don’t know the difference between biology and psychology?

Biased ones, afraid of being “sexist” or w/e, yes. Science, however says the contrary.

Once again, actual science. It’s not a matter of “believing” that science says gender is tied to sex, that’s a fact.

There isn’t any new evidence, there’s a new agenda to make everyone sexless and genderless, via brainwashing. Science is still science.

You can’t “adjust” fact. You can run an agenda based on lies, and tell people that feelings outweight facts, similar to making people think that being fat is a “good” thing. But, we know it factually isn’t.

And how is that evident?


Because the biological interpretation of gender and the psychological interpretation are not one in the same. Hence, your little quote specifying “biological approach.”

As a Psych Minor, you should know this.

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This is why the game needs customization sliders, but sadly we’ll never get them.

Yeah, they are. They correlate as your psychological identity of your gender wouldn’t exist without the biological genes and chemicals that make you who and what you are. If you think your biology doesn’t have anything in kind with psychology, than you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.


The biological approach believes us to be as a consequence of our genetics and physiology. It is the only approach in psychology that examines thoughts, feelings, and behaviors from a biological and thus physical point of view.

Therefore, all that is psychological is first physiological. All thoughts, feeling & behavior ultimately have a biological cause. A biological perspective is relevant to the study of psychology in three ways:

  1. **[Comparative method]: different species of animal can be studied and compared. This can help in the search to understand human behavior.

  2. [Physiology: simplypsychology(dot)org a-level-biological(dot)html) : how the nervous system and hormones work, how the brain functions, how changes in structure and/or function can affect behavior. For example, we could ask how prescribed drugs to treat depression affect behavior through their interaction with the nervous system.

  3. Investigation of inheritance : what an animal inherits from its parents, mechanisms of inheritance (genetics). For example, we might want to know whether high intelligence is inherited from one generation to the next.


Correlation is not causation.

But it is. Read and understand.


"People often get confused between the terms sex and gender. Sex refers to biological differences between males and females. For example, chromosomes (female XX, male XY), reproductive organs (ovaries, testes), hormones (oestrogen, testosterone).

Gender refers to the cultural differences expected (by society / culture) of men and women according to their sex. A person’s sex does not change from birth, but their gender can."

-Simply Psychology

Note: this article even discusses Biological Theories of Gender and how a change in chemicals produces gender changes, with evidence. How then do you brainwash and indoctrinate those changes?

Not in a natural setting, by brainwashing
yeah. When does the gender change and what variables are in place? If a natural reasoning were to change gender, it would change (and does) change the psychological positioning. When children naturally behave based upon their sex, that is how biology had determined who they are and how they behave, they never give it any thought
until the left happens.

"in November 2017 suggests that these sorts of girly toy preferences aren’t simply a reflection of gendered social pressures. A meta-analysis of research, reviewing 16 studies on the subject that collectively included some 1,600 children, found that both biology and society affect boys’ and girls’ toy choices. The researchers found a huge effect size (1.03 for boys playing with boys’ toys more than girls, and 0.9 for girls playing with girls toys more than boys; anything above 0.8 is considered “large”) across geographical regions.

the data reflect broader findings in psychology, which show that biology and society interact to cause gendered behavior. In other words, contrary to the popular progressive belief, gender is partly socially constructed—but it’s not just a social construct.


  • Despite methodological variation in the choice and number of toys offered, context of testing, and age of child, the consistency in finding sex differences in children’s preferences for toys typed to their own gender indicates the strength of this phenomenon and the likelihood that has a biological origin.



not evidence. Not even a hypothesis. This is not science, this is a political agenda.


Ironic, considering you’re linking studies that end with words like “likelihood” as evidence. They’re debating theories. That’s what science does. When they come to a conclusion and agreement, it becomes a fact.

There are still theories of gravity. Are those a political agenda?

Meanwhile, I’m sitting on the APA (American Psychology Association) reading about Sex and Gender diversity.