Because it’s BS, and shouldn’t be taught to anyone. Only brainwashed morons will believe it, instead of studying science/biology and having critical and individual thought.
Yawn, I’m done with this thread so try not to @ me again. I’ve already linked some resources directly to the American Psychological Association. Go read that instead of replying to me.
That is, if you actually care about facts like you claim to do.
So I’ll say it for the last time, Sex and gender are different things.
Psychology minor, here. Of course you kids are “done” because you deny basic facts about biology.
Gender: either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.
That’s the definition. I’m sorry the truth triggers you, and if you want to keep shouting how it’s “sOcIuL KoNsTrUkT” in your little echo chamber all you want. Science is science.
End of story.
Yeah, and actual psychology professionals disagree with your assessment. End of story. By the way, enjoy the forum vacation with all the insults you use as a weak attempt to get your point across.
You only weakened your “argument”. There’s still only 2 genders, in or out of game.
For him/her and many of us it’s the (wait for it) Truth. Something you people today deny.
Because telling yourself a lie over and over won’t make it true, neither will your feelings. 2020: the age of feelings over facts and logic. JFC…
You’re still missing the point. You can’t be something just because you “iDeTuFiE” as it.
Great. End of story!
Provide proof and not “WoKe” ones. Sex is physical attribute. Gender is the psychological. Facts don’t care about your feelings.
And another point, you’re not wanting “tolerance” or acceptance as you refuse to tolerate anyone who disagrees. I insulted no one, but if silencing the opposition is your hypocrisy, go for it…been there, and done to me sooo many times because of the same reasons. All you’re showing is bigotry by your “agenda” and bully anyone who pushes back. You’re no tolerant, accepting person, but a bully and tyrant, and you should be ashamed.
Until you can actually practice what you preach, you’re a hypocrite.
Translated: Brainwashed into an agenda of world homogenization because…feelings.
Two genders, only regardless of “fEeLiNgS!!”
Explain how a man knows a woman feeling, or how it’s like to be one. You can’t. So, if men and women know what it’s like to be the other, or to have opposite gender’s feelings, you’re lessening what a man or a woman is.
You’re denigrating people because of entitled feelings, and it’s down right insulting to tell a person they are no more than a simple thought, that they now no longer have substance, a mind, a heart, brain, etc…
So, with this new “iDeNtUTeE” garbage, does this limit or increase one’s right based on…gender? Well, we seen how this went in the Olympics…/Fail. Since you and many others deny science and facts, men who “identified” as something they’re not, competed with the opposite gender, rendering the games completely unfair.
And you support this garbage? This is the age of feelings and brainwashing? How disgusting, disrespectful, illogical, insane. And, this is being presented…I mean indoctrinated into schools…because if you can’t brainwash the adults…go for the kids…amirite???
There’s nothing factual or logical about any of this, and if you want to control a gender confused, social nightmare of a toon…go for it in your own echo chamber. Leave reality out of it.
I hope they do, I identify myself as an hungarian helicopter!
lol I’m a non-conforming, female, cinnamon bagel.
I identify as a billionaire so I demand my billions now!!
If you don’t accept me for a bagel, you’re a bakery-goods-ist!!!
More Cinnamon bagels in this bakery soon…
Haha! This is great
The only thing I can think is to have something triggering quests to change pronouns based on player input when the character is made. For example, instead of a quest reading “he” or “she” it reads “they” (or a different pronoun of the player’s choosing) instead. However I don’t know the level of coding that would entail. I sense things like this are already a “fill in the blank” type of thing which is currently check marked for characters automatically on choosing male or female.
All kinds of slider changes on character models don’t really have much to do with being non-binary. People of different identities have the same full range of looks as all others. Even if we weren’t talking about non-binary and were talking in just traditional male/female terms, there are lots of body types already not covered and I don’t particularly see a reason to try to cover them all. That’s an utterly endless task. No matter how well you design it, someone will say their body type isn’t represented. (Or isn’t represented the way they want it to be.) Because of this, I see trying to exactly replicate all possible body types as a rabbit hole not to bother going down.
I hope not, this gender thing is getting out of hand imo.
You’re have a psych minor and you’re denying the existence of Gender Dysphoria? Really? It’s been around since forever and it’s not a simpe thought. It’s anxiety and depression from being born in the wrong body. It’s not something new and not something you can be “brainwashed” to have.
Plenty of trans people disagree with allowing trans women in participating in women’s sports.
Yes, it’s a mental illness, which you chose to “confuse” with choice. The difference is, one wasn’t indoctrinated, the other obviously is.
That’s great, however, we’re not discussing them.
If the truly cared about facts, you would know that multiple societies throughout the world consider there to be more than 2 genders.
Yup and that’s called brainwashing, and indoctrination. I could tell you that I “consider” the moon to be a big, ball of yarn. That doesn’t make it true.
When you can convince a mass of the population of something (no matter how ridiculous it is), and they buy it without any individual thought, then a world is easy to control. So far, this gender crap has worked as intended: to divide everyone down to who we are, and what we are…even biologically. And the weak minded are the first to fall.
Gender is a form of personal identity which usually presents itself in clothing, behavior, and actions. There’d be no point in selecting a gender on the character creation scene. When you pick male or female, you’re simply picking your sex and thus body type. If you want to identify as another gender, then you can join a RP server. The best thing blizzard could do is allow male/female hair styles and earings to be used between the two sexes. They could also ask you what your preferred pronouns are such that when any dialogue is presented, it uses said pronouns but this idea is up for debate… I would personally say no on the pronouns because it’s doesn’t really add anything. Pronoun usage is really only relevant to individuals who undergo sex who are not usually using gender in the way that non-binaries do. That is, they believe they are mentally another gender and they were born in the wrong body, so they make physical changes to themselves to present themselves as another sex. Thus the pronoun swappage makes sense there but that isn’t an issue in this game since you can literally pick your sex from the get go.