The argument of whether you think it is inborn, or something that comes later, is moot (in regards to “gender.” )
Since the OP is talking about it at character selection, that is the only point of the thread.
So whatever you believe, it makes the thread moot either way. Either it is inborn on the character, or something the character does later; In either case, it would be something you’d RP (actively or not), on the character. So it already exists as a choice!!
You see, this exact sort of garbage is why I think the “non-binary” types are the most insufferable people in existence. It’s like y’all think you’re some sort of twisted version of aristocracy, where you cannot be questioned or else you go against the will of the Good.
And I’m a Millennial. You’re just like the Alt-Right, just the other side of that same stupid coin.
I want to identify as a wealthy person but ya know what? I dont have any money.
I would love to go to a Lamborghini dealer and say I am rich and want one but my “identification” as a wealthy person doesnt get me the Lambo.
Id LOVE to identify as a helicopter and soar to the highest reaches of the sky but ya know what? Im not a helicopter and cant fly no matter how I “feel” …
I know some kids that want to go buy guns or alcohol but they cant because they arent old enough. Maybe if they “identify” as a 21 year old then we should let them?? Make sense? Of course it doesnt!!! …
Calling yourself something doesnt change biological facts.
And again I reiterate, it doesnt hurt me in any way but it will make the game stupid.
Lol, no that is not discrimination. Please stop with the fake outrage. Just because some of the human collective has suddenly decided things exist that have never existed before in human history (then labeled these things and came up with terms along with trying to bring them into existence for everyone regardless of reality) and some people have latched onto it does not mean there is suddenly discrimination everywhere.
Well i don’t understand all this so maybe i am too old for life already…
Nature has endowed humans with two types of organs for reproductive purposes: we call them man and woman. Many living species (animal, insect, etc.) have the same configuration regarding the reproductive organs.
So at the physical level, there can only be two choices and at the mental level, people can choose what they want to be defined?
People that need to feel special (or like “individuals”) have now tried to separate the physical (sex) from the mental (gender) and come up with new terms and now want to be “identified” by those. These people want to demand that others recognize whatever they want to be “identified” as (even as all they have come up with is male and female or fluid/pan identities in physically different bodies because mentally they want that), it’s akin to me deciding i am going to identify as a Cobra attack helicopter or an M1 Abrams or even a Cobra Snake for that matter and then having fake outrage when others won’t recognize my new made up “identity” and then i can claim discrimination and troll others at will because i can now say i’m “offended”.
The mind can make up anything it wants but the reality is that DNA identifies what you are no matter how many inventive things the mind can make up… you are either XY or XX (male or female) and that is it. People can want to “identify” as whatever people want ,but don’t get upset when others don’t recognize that because some people suddenly want special consideration.
Right. It’s tough being poor in the real world. Becuase it’s real.
You’re right…
Right. Laws. Real things in the real world.
It doesn’t. I agree. But clearly your lack something, because you are worried and frightened and scared of something that would happen in a fake video game world that you would never actually be impacted by. You would literally never know if the player behind the human male paladin running past you checked non-binary while setting up their toon.
You lose I win. You resorted to insults. The last resort of the debate loser.
Im good. The game would be stupid to go woke. Your attempt to say people are afraid or worried is typical tactics from your side and they dont work anymore. No one cares. That card is tired and old to say the least. The game doesnt need WOKE crap it needs less political crap.
You would have had to make a point to win a debate. Just crying that you want wow to be a safe space for you like your favorite Walmart, indoor shooting range and Toby Keith concerts is not an argument.
How does it impact you if someone could have a 3rd choice at char select?