Red states are not full of racists and in participating in such a broad generalization you only show who the real “bigots” are.
Oh My!! I have been playing wow for years and not once has anything about gender ever come up in game. I mean you can RP whatever you want so I don’t see the need. Honestly darling I don’t really care…you can be a half vampire, half dragon who identifies as a human mailbox dancer…won’t bother me one bit as long as I get my cocktails…speaking of which be a dear and fetch me another one
And that’s really it. It’s just an identity. It’s not something you can show in-game as “options” because it’s up to the individual. I do appreciate you at least letting others live and let live
Alright look maybe you’re a bit of a date with this stuff so I’ll lay it out real quick
Academically speaking sex is reference to your genitals and chromosomes and stuff like that, the more generic side
Gender is something we made up as humans to make sense of all of it because the whole gender things seems to encompass the social side of what sex we are
You don’t often need to seperate them from each other until you get into a niche line of conversation
I know full well all of my flaws. I accept them instead of pretend they do not exist. One of the many benefits of being a sociopath. I’m sorry that you hide from your flaws though. I always pity those who refuse to understand themselves and learn.
I am lowkey surprised and pleased that I have yet to be silenced yet. I usually get a “forum vacation” within a couple hours of posting on one of these threads.
I’m glad! You do you!
I was banned from Facebook for linking FBI statistics in a post of misinformation. Then the SJW nut cases wonder why we get upset and push back to their deluded non sense. Nobody cares what people do in their own time, don’t try to make the rest of us involved, we really don’t care and we do not want to contribute to delusions. I digress.
Sex and Gender don’t need to be separated at all really. They are synonyms. It is no different from calling Salt Sodium Chloride. One is just a more scientific term.
It’s Sunday
Keep going btw in cheering for the both of you from the sidelines
Who is saying this stuff can’t happen? It has nothing to do with sex/gender. You can apply for any job you want…
Yeah I have no idea where they pulled up that debate. No one mentioned anything like it.
Gender and Sex aren’t the same thing. Even according to Gender Theory.
You can already be non-binary.
Yes it does. Gender is the whole idea of what you SHOULD BE because of how you were born. I honestly lost the energy to keep explaining the exactly same point over and over since it’s clear it won’t go through your heads.
Specially to a person like you who I can tell a lot about after you said this
Gender and Sex have always meant the same thing in the past, and they still do. The only reason choice of gender/choice of sex became a talking point was because of the whole transgender debacle. Once that can of worms opened up, people started to question the legitimacy of their own genetics.
You said you’re antisocial before correct?
Are you the psychological antisocial or the generally used anti social to describe not wanting to socialise?
Transgender people have been around for a really long time.
Wrong. Gender is separate from Sex now. At least this is what’s taught.
Sex can be included in Gender but Gender is more than sex. You can be a non-binary male or female.
This is called background discrimination. Not “gender”. The definition you gave here applies to all types of background, not just sex/gender. Just look at financial background, race, religion, age, etc etc.
God forbid I use statistics. LOL
You - you must perform mental gymnastics to make a meaning out to be something it isn’t.
Also you - How dare you use statistics.
Absolutely unhinged.
I’m only replying to point this out to anyone else reading. I will not further engage with a reactionary.
For those reading, when this person “quotes statistics” they are never doing it in good faith. I’m sure you are aware of what statistics this person is referring to and I will leave it up to the reader to figure out the types of ideas they come up with when quoting said numbers.