Adding More Gender Options?

My gosh, please look in the mirror. Nobody is saying you’re playing “god” when you say, “A boy can be a nurse if he wants to” or “A girl can be a coder if she wants to.”

Is that too hard for you to understand? You call me a stubborn fool and you refuse to acknowledge you are wrong about how you define a term.

This is no different than the people that use your/you’re interchangeably as if they were the same words.


There are two genders male - Female…


The OP who made the thread just wanted to create a fire anyways.

Best you can do is ignore it, if that’s the real reason OP created the thread.

Eh, it can be fun sometimes to take part in the fire :slight_smile:

Hold up just a second. When did I ever say anything about what different genders are restricted to? I never said anything about gender roles being restricted, only that genders themselves are restricted. Don’t go shoving words down my throat.

Picking a job and picking a gender are two completely different things. You people need to stop merging unrelated points together, as they don’t make sense. Watching this happen over and over again is like seeing someone try to find where a circle’s corners are.

Not quite sure I understand what exactly you mean by “this”. But grammar is once again a completely different topic, and the people that use the incorrect there/their/they’re and your/you’re bother me, but that is an ocd thing, as well as the fact that it is just wrong.

But when I said people are trying to play god, I meant that they are trying to write their own rules and make choices that were never theirs to make. Choice does exist when you have the brain power to make them and not act on instincts without a second thought. But that does not mean that everything is a choice. Some things are simply out of our control, no matter how advanced we are scientifically or socially.

Gender is one of those things. We as humans have only two genders: Male and Female. Anything else is a mutation.


That’s a very nice post you made there. I’ll give my 2 cents when you finally learn what gender means.

Have a good day!

Either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones.

Open a dictionary ffs and get on my level. Or can you not reach since you are too busy trying to figure out how many genders there are and cannot count to two?


Yeah, do read the rest of that sentence.

The 2 options are your sex not your gender. Your toon can identify as whatever gender they want.

Someone finally gets i!

Perhaps you should go look up what a reference is. It is an allusion, not a definition.


Then remember that you are role playing and don’t try to involve me or others not involved. I don’t RP irl, it’s weird at best, delusional when you try to force it on others.

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Plus, even if the terms gender and sex did mean different things, the fact of the matter is that people would still use the term gender when talking about sex, since sex also refers to mating and that isn’t something people are as willing to talk about openly or in public. Such is the way when words have multiple definitions.

They do :slight_smile: And just because people use terms incorrectly does not mean we have to follow along. People use anti-social when describing being shy. Do you do it as well?

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So in other words gender is a cult? How can you possibly fit any one definition of who you are? That’s so incredibly stupid if you were to actually think about it.

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Except Gender and Sex do mean the same thing, as listed above. And do I do what as well? Use the term anti-social? When talking about myself, yes, because I actually have the condition. But I will not incorrectly diagnose people as being anti-social when they are socially inept.

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Here are some nice resources for you! :

I know you won’t read them, but I don’t care :slight_smile:

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Well at least you aren’t as dumb as I thought you were :slight_smile:

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Hmm, I wonder if this person will ever realize how much they project. Any bets? If a mod does their job, enjoy the forum vacation.