Adding More Gender Options?

stupid topic for stupid people and the ammunition for it is endless


Not sure if youā€™re referring to anything I specifically stated, but I do agree. The fixation on gender, and intersectionality is very tedious, and navel-gazing; a topic only small-minded people find of interest. The world is so vast and interesting; I cannot understand why some people get so fixated on this topic with a jeremiad against anyone that sees the world different to their fake reality.

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lol this is a joke, yes?

Thereā€™s not really a way to add that? Assuming youā€™re not a troll( (I should know better but w/e).

The addition to this in the most recent survey is simply to acknowledge the gender identieis people use IRL. I cannot believe I"m using this sentence as a Queer PoC butā€¦

WoW isnā€™t real life. While Iā€™m sure Queer people of all sorts exist in Azeroth, the gameā€™s customization makes it limited. While games like the sims 4 allows those who wish to make characters with trans/nb looks, (and trans characters in general) this isnā€™t really something that can be done with the junky customization that exist in World of Warcraft. The only way to really make such characters is to allow armor to be more gender defying. (Like FFXIV has recently started removing the gender lock on clothing.) Also, by allowing us to choose which pronouns our characters are addressed as. The second one is mostly moot though, because since Voice acting as been a thing, our characters are usually referred to has ā€œheroā€ rather than ā€œheā€ or ā€œsheā€

Donā€™t give him the time of day. He was supposedly quitting WoW and returning to SWToR and was just riding out the last of his current monthly sub. That was like two months agoā€¦

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My sisterā€™s furious about the sex-linked options for races. She made a vulpera, and got almost all the way to playing him before realizing he was a himā€”she wanted a her. When she flipped the sex to female, none of the visual options she wanted were available. Females have ears that point out, or curl down, and white feet, males have ears that point up and hide-colored feet. Even the faces are different.

Every race is this way. Thatā€™s why we have a bevy of young-looking elven maidens running around with only a small selection of older elf men who all look constipated, why male pandas never have tailsā€¦ Things are sex-linked that make no sense to be in this game.


Leans back and eats the popcorn. These threads always end well.


No, Iā€™ve been silenced plenty of times for simply stating the facts and leaving out any prejudice and distaste. There are very few things that I actually have an opinion on, and because of this, the things I do have opinions on are very strong.

Because of such, sometimes I donā€™t realize that Iā€™m stating my opinion on something because most of my thoughts are facts and questions. So I need to step back and figure out if what Iā€™m saying is offensive or not sometimes.

For example, the fact is that humans only have two genders. The opinion is that we should only have two genders. See what Iā€™m saying? I try to stick with only facts when looking at things critically, but people who would refuse those facts get offended and simply wish to not see them at all, so they report in hopes of getting the post removed and the person banned/silenced.

and I did scroll up and look at your post that you mentioned. I just donā€™t agree with it. You try stating something clearly false and non-debatable as a fact.


Iā€™m sorry you donā€™t agree with the aggregate of data and scientific knowledge. The question I always want to ask those who say ā€œonly two gendersā€ is which two? Boys? Girls? Men? Women? Those are genders. Male and Female are sexes. Deeper, Male and Female are names weā€™ve given to phenotypes, which show as a spectrum. Those phenotypes are the outward manifestation of genotypes, deceptively simple on the outside. If you never want to look deeper, if simple is all you can handle, I donā€™t really know what to say, I burn with curiosity to know how it all works.


Wow, please stop posting false information. The thing you are talking about requires specific genetic manipulation to occur like 99% of the time. When it does occur naturally, itā€™s a mutation that requires extensive medical treatment to deal with because if not, the person in question may develop extensive nerve damage and/or cancer.

Pretty sure I remember you in another thread posting the same trash and was called out for it there too.


Honestly? Shame on you, OP, for intentionally making incendiary threads like these. This isnā€™t the first time youā€™ve deliberately introduced discussions you knew would spiral out of control, and I have no doubt that it wonā€™t be the last time.

Thereā€™s a tumorous mass of posters like Skinwalker who get a kick out of stirring the pot and inciting senseless bickering and political discord on forums wherein they have no place.


Doubt it. Without you being more specific about the ā€˜thingā€™ you mean, thereā€™s no answerā€”if itā€™s the gene region moving, you need to look up ā€˜jumping genesā€™. Really, you should crack a genetics textbook sometime. Thereā€™s a lot going on in there. And yeah, it all causes cancer. Cancer is what kills us if nothing else gets to us first, or in my familyā€™s case, generally what kills us young.

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Which completely destroys your goofy argument. Itā€™s a genetic abnormality, plain and simple and you are trying to pass it off as something normal.

Donā€™t tell me to open a genetic book when you seriously have no damn clue what you are talking about in the first place.


Alright, if youā€™re going to get aggressive, tell me what youā€™re talking about. What genetic abnormality, and the SRY region being anywhere but the Y chromosome is anything but normal, so what in all hells ARE you talking about?


I mean if you donā€™t even remember what you first posted, I canā€™t really help you.


Okay then. You can toddle off now.


Like I said, you have nothing.

Goodbye and make sure to stop posting your uninformed, dangerous garbage.


Ok guys serious topicā€¦

What is better colour.

Red or Blue.


I like how this thread is protected, and reporting it for trolling is disabled.

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Itā€™s actually color* ily.