Adding More Gender Options?

Gender is genetic, not biological. I agree.


The only way to add Nonbinary to a game is to remove itā€™s primary element of decision (gender) and set it to sliders. Bust up/down. Hips up/down. Waist up/down. Voice high/low. Muscle mass up/down.

Having played Sims to death, customization screens will get old quickly after the 9th character created in the new frameset. If you donā€™t identify with either gender or are nonbinary, create a character of both/opposite of what you were birthed to. One doesnā€™t have to shapeshift the entire game to fit Social Justice: just adapt, as us ā€œolder generationsā€ were made to.

Blizz has already said that WoW will not be getting sliders. Frankly, theyā€™d have to do a huge overhaul on models of many kinds for this to work, including gear. It just wasnā€™t designed with this function in mind.

If thatā€™s a stab then I love you. If thatā€™s seriousness then I hate you.


Genes are biological. Gender is a construct people made to control the behavior of others. Really, Iā€™ve got a long post upthread that Iā€™m hurt you havenā€™t read, do you normally not read a thread before posting in it?

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Why would I stab something that doesnā€™t exist? :slight_smile:

Kindaā€¦indicated I wasnā€™t for it in my second paragraph. Sliders take away from the game played, and put it more into the pre-selection screen. If I want to play Sims, Iā€™ll load Sims, not WoW.

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So Ralph, whatā€™s stopping RPers from doing that now in TRP?

If itā€™s a long thread I might just read the title and the first few replies.

But I have to say that you are wrong. Gender is not an imaginary thing intended to control peopleā€™s behavior. Gender is simply just genetic discrimination, just like all genetic deviances within a species.

You either have two X chromosomes, an X and a Y chromosome, or a genetic mutation that fits outside of this criteria. Therefor, you are either a female, a male, or a mutant, by scientific standards.

It would be different if our species had the gender properties of things like plants or slugs where they have both reproductive parts, but that is not the case for humans.


Only 2 genders ā€¦


Dear god itā€™s not even twenty posts back. I really donā€™t want to retype it for one uninformed soul when a few seconds of scrolling will get you there.

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Except that gender and sex are one and the same when talking about a species that has different sexes and genders. Like I said, it would be different if we were slugs, but we are not slugs.


I donā€™t know why I post in these threads. Even when I refrain from insulting, and speak only with reason and logic, I still always get silenced. I really need to learn my lesson.

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You can learn a lot from reading what Illoramoan wrote.

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If the question is based on humanityā€™s distinction of what a ā€˜genderā€™ is, what exactly would be added to the options? Nonbinary would be a mass of shadow with no face, no bodytype no limitations on class selection. Sliders and sliders. Is the question asking for facial hair on female avatars? More long hair options on male avatars? (Iā€™d like that on my human males, occasionally, as I myself have longish hair.) Make up options? What is the question asking for?

Male and female, thatā€™s it, end of story, thanks for playing, you can go home now


Just do what Lord of the Rings Online did, as Their son is still hogging the ip rights and having wars on tomatos and declare that bearded dwarf females are canon. It worked great as a joke. In LOTRO when you go to select female dwarfs, it brings up the male dwarf options.

Has someone silenced you? Or did you censor out all the reason and logic from the posts and leave only the uninformed pronouncements?

if you are still too lazy to scroll up.
This one too:

Iā€™ve read through threads with 5k posts, and scrolled without reading through threads with 60. If Iā€™m interested in a topic I read them all before posting, if Iā€™m not interested, Iā€™m not going to bother posting in it. You never know, someone else might have posted exactly what you would have, or there might be something posted that would directly counter whatever you wanted to post. Never know until you read the thread.

Gender is a social construct; sex is biological. There can be any amount of genders because it is what someone claims (identity). There are only 2 biological sexes; any deviances on this (such as intersex people) fall under the spectrum of sex disorders. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk!


I like this post because it straight up exposes the hypocrisy in the company.