Make Abandoned Content Relevant Again

it would be super if you (blizzard) could pay a guy (or girl, i don’t care) to sit around and think up ways to make abandoned content relevant to the current game. i don’t remember the last time i bothered going to my garrison. artifact weapons should still be usable and up-gradable. class halls should always be important.

seriously… garrisons gave you the perfect opportunity to add player housing, and you dropped the ball.

so why even bother adding this crap to the game if it isn’t going to be further developed after the expansion it was added in???


I agree, but they have tried mate. They are revamping old dungeons for M+. They tried adding reasons for max level to go back to the old world for visions.

Players complained about how lazy they were to re-use content.


I want a reason to go back to Eversong Woods :smiley:

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Garrisons are canonically a dead end. They exist in a version of a different planet that is now unreachable and also time-accelerated, and also in the process of being destroyed.

Legion Artifacts are fun but not something that could be updated for the rest of the game. Would we just never get another weapon drop again? That’s not much fun.

I like what they did with Zul’gurub (and Zul’farrak to a lesser extent).

It was cool to have old materials and stuff become relevant again.


agree, bring back Brutosaur mount and either make it a twitch drop or put it on the turtle-faction vendor :drooling_face:

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Blizzard doesn’t actually care on that front.

A big chunk of the actual problem is that even with the revamps, many old dungeons are just dated, and M+ was always a clunky solution to keeping old content relevant.

It seems they can’t figure out how to put butts in seats anymore without expansion-specific gimmicks.


They have. Timewalking events on top of reg timewalking, tw raids… mythic+ throwbacks. it may not be exactly where youd like it, but strides are happening

If you mean solo only, chromie time and xp turn offs exist too

How can you care about garrisons when there is so much EVERGREEN content and systems blizz has sunk countless hours into balancing and fixing like domination shards, legiondaries, artifact weapons, torghast, the crucible of light and shadow, covenants and soulbinds, the heart of azeroth, the draenor legendary ring quest, azeryte armor, and the panda legendary cape!

So so much content that definitely isn’t a waste of dev time, glad they spent all of it on these “EveRgr3eN” pieces of content instead of expanding on player housing with garrisons… (PlaYer HousInG woUlD CoStUs A RaId tiER!!!) Devs have only time for the most essential systems!

132$ cad for dragonflight. Doing mop wod bfa cata dungeons is just not my cup of tea. Fated raid bologna either. There’s been enough re paints in wow! put out new stuff of don’t charge expansion fees.


I don’t think you know what evergreen means… Or you are thoroughly misunderstanding blizzard’s intent with, well, all of those systems. [MoP/WoD legendaries aside… Not really sure why they removed those questlines]

The point I was getting at was blizz would rather invest neigh on infinite hours trying to convince players Ion’s systems are good rather than just give players what they want. Something that WILL last more than just one patch unlike all of the millions of dollars set on fire to make all those crappy systems of his.

You don’t think they could have made player housing instead of farting around with trying to convince players azeryte gear alone is “super cool we swear” I think the amoutn of resources pumped into that one system alone could have made FF14’s housing system look like “Playskool My First Kitchen” level.

The story needs to be… “remastered” for certain. Making new players start off in the classic timeline and going through the important storybeats. Like having us team up with Varian to kill Onxyia or something for instance. See the best parts of the most relevant and interesting zones, leave all the old stuff as optional sidequests and get newer players focused on the new MSQ ones.

We also need a modern garrison of sorts on the real world. Something to… unite our alts. I’d absolutely love if I could go to a shared stash and just transfer stuff without needing to make my own guild for the ability. Or to have like a universal gold storage I can deposit so the AH and NPC vendors can take from that collective pool. Instead of me having to try and remember where all my gold is.

It’d be so nice to have a way to just send our alts on missions and get them doing stuff without having to actively play them. Or get one assigned as a bodyguard to help you quest. FF14 has AI party members for dungeons as well if queues ever get longer than 10 minutes for your role the system could default to using your alts (or a premade group of NPCs if you lack the alts).

Having them all geared up and wandering around a town/garrison I made for myself would just be so damn interesting. And all the heroes you hired from the previous garrisons could make a return showing here for players that don’t have alts to still play with the mechanics. Or hell… just to make me feel like all that time I invested in my WoD roster not feel like an absolute waste of time.

Why would they? They already made money when that content was current. Their focus is on the current expansion becoz that’s where most players are.

If the major population shifted on playing old content instead of the new content, only then they would put focus on old content.

If old content needs to be relevant again, it needs to redo gear scaling making the content not a faceroll as Faceroll = boring. For now, old content is for weak players who cant handle the current content.

Doubt they’d bother dishing out the resources to make that happen. We’ve been asking for the old mage tower artifact appearances for a long time, after all that bickering, screaming and begging; guess what we got. :upside_down_face: Mage tower rewards, recolored tier sets. Instead of the original rewards which we wanted. I still did it on some toons but it feels meh compared to the artifact appearance rewards. Think it’d be the same for the older content as well, they’re just gate keeping stuff for some reason. To make the vets of that expansion feel special, maybe or sumthin’. Too laazyy? I dunno!

what did they do with ZF?

(i only just learned about the ZG stuff, and i can’t find any info about anything related to ZF?)

once I put the AH, banks and crap in there, I started using it as my home base. Im there at least once a day and usually multiple times when Im farming.
Not sure I’d want the garrison being too much more than basic housing at this point, though…I didnt like it the first time around.

It would be really nice to still have some capstone goal for old content, it would give something to still strive for completionism-wise, for example add Veilstrider back lol – Add Veilstrider Back, Stop Time Limited Completionism