Add Veilstrider Back, Stop Time Limited Completionism

I honestly wish i could think the same way as you do. I’m still sad about Azeroth’s Champion eventho i was never even slightly close to getting it. It just feels bad to see things getting removed from the game. (Not to mention the feel in wrath when they decided to keep the Plague and Black Proto-drake in the game because reason?)


I know this is a 2 month necro, but just to throw in my 2 cents:

Imagine outright saying outdoor players should never have limited time rewards, in the same breath you admit that limited time rewards are a good thing in your eyes:


If they keep limited time/FOMO things in the game. Veilstrider stays exclusive. Period.

It is a reward for outdoor players, no different than Gladiator, AotC, etc, but for outdoor players. Stop trying to belittle and talk down to outdoor players and make our achievements out to be “less than” other people’s.


They did announce it was being removed.

You’re not wrong. This just means more reason to never go back to older content, meaning it’s just dead content.


is bad policy 100% of the time.

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Nah, it’s cool to have an incentive to play in the present.


But why, really? People used to understand what ‘choice’ was. When did it become so bad??

There’s always incentive to play in current content. Because it’s current. No reason not to have incentive to have people play older content when there are lulls or they want something different to do.

I went back and farmed up the Zealous Felslinger’s outfit. Pretty glad that wasn’t limited time.


I concur. It was pretty weird seeing others missing out because of bad RNG on the Abom factory weeklies.


There is a difference between Seasonal (i.e. Mythic+, PvP Seasonal rewards and limited time events) and current content rewards. Huge achievements like Azeroth’s Champion imho was a good call to get it removed because it was based on seasonal pvp, raiding and everything with your Heart of Azeroth. In Back from the Beyond, there is literally nothing seasonal. I think it should’ve stayed in the game. I’d be happy if the achievement stayed but the title was gone.

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In my view, both should return. The achievement was and likely still is a slog. It’s still worthy of a title in my eyes, similar to Mecha-Done which is still available and still awards the same mount (in fact, wasn’t Mecha-Done nerfed as well?).


It’s the same thing as it was with the Glory of the Raider achievements back in Wrath. They removed it for no apparent reason and now in Wrath Classic with WoW Token™ they both stayed. But the other glory achievements still reward you with the mounts to this day. These choice make me upset because they are not consistent. If they stuck to their original decision and removed all the glory mounts, i’d be okay with that but this is just dumb and makes no sense.

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I’m tired of people endlessly harping this boring elitist trope. I’m just trying to play the game and have fun with what there is to do and yet there’s all these people just standing around going “LOOK AT MEEEEE IM EXCLUSIIIIIIVE YOU DONT DESERVE THIIIIIIIIS”

Idk lol it’s boring