Hrmm, Maybe it’s just my paranoia, but I fear should blizz decide to introduce thura, with the axe of cenarius, shortly after somehow because of that a tragedy will start again with the night elves, blizz couldn’t resist, and already it would be a new villian again. Therefore …if Thura, then without axe, let it burn, destroy, the night elves reclaim it, I don’t know, something like that, but not with the axe.
Rommath has a grudge against multiple Alliance characters and races. If they put him on screen for more than five minutes he’ll get Sylvanas’d so fast the general playerbase won’t have time to ask who this rando elf is before they’re looting him for purples.
I have problems to imagine an ideal Baine like it is. Too many mistakes happened for my liking. Not calling your people legitimate targets, or having the understanding not to talk like he did at Rastakhans funeral, talking to other faction leaders (he didn’t even talk to anyone considering the Vulpera), not sending body parts of his to others, standing up for his people.
Those are the bare minimums I would expect.
I mentioned above that I see Hamul as a better option for the council.
If Tyrande would call Darnassus a valid military target rabid night elf fans would go nuts. Baine is trash. He needs to disappear from the story period.
The outcome is the same. A racial leader approving of having the other faction kill their people without consequences. But that’s not what happened. Tyrande fought the Horde. Baine however gave the alliance his golden seal of approval that he didn’t care them getting his people slaughtered by team blue.
That is what makes Baine the worst racial leader of them all. He needs to die period for being an awful character.