Add to the Horde Council

God I miss him man. Even if Rokhan’s got the Darkspear Leader role going atm, I really want the trio of Rokhan, Nazgrel, and Rexxar back in action.


Even beyond that, if you look at the actual text describing Baine’s sinful decision to Taurajo … it essentially equates to “Baine chose not escalate with the Alliance to honor the wishes of the majority of the Tauren People”. And that minority he removed from TB were not removed because they wanted justice for Taurajo, but because they continued to make a stink about retaliation even after the decision had been made. The Alliance wasn’t even a factor in his choice.

In short, the whole thing boiled down to “He was not going to stop those who wanted to retaliate for Taurajo, but he was not going to override the wishes of the majority to force them to risk their lives for a minority’s desire for revenge.” Am I the only one who finds that halfway reasonable? Am I crazy?!!

The Alliance did not stop invading the Barrens and killing Baine’s alleged people.


They did after the Horde bombed Theramoore.

Unless, of course, you count all the random resurgences from the BfA mission table.


The only of Baine’s people who were left in the Southern Barrens were those that chose to be there. Largely those stationed at Vendetta point. And until such a time as someone can invalidate the canon Alliance battleplan for the region and point to Mulgore actually being in threat of invasion (not just at worst suppression) … Baine didn’t endanger any of his people for adhering to the majorities desires.

Those who remained in the Barrens were those who willingly took the risk to get their vengeance. That was their right, Baine would not stop them. That does not translate into him forcing the rest to commit to it.

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I made a whole post about it here:

If that happens, Kael’thas would be back on Azeroth. Meanwhile, the San’layn would find themselves with no Lich King and possible no Jailor controlling them. At the same time their Prince returns from the Shadowlands as a cool supervampire, and nothing better to do but provide guidance and leadership for his equally undead people.

And then, in need of allies, it seems the logical conclusion for the Undead Blood Elves to join the faction with Undead and Blood Elves.

Don’t care. Want Black Drakonids in the Horde and Blue Drakonids in the Alliance.

We already have a black dragon, and a nicer one at that.


Well it’s like I said previously, the san’layn are not in significant numbers cause even during their creation it was a small amount of blood elves that were left behind in northrend and most of them where killed in icc. Also idk if any necromancer could make a sanlayn or if it was merely a cruel bit of irony perpetrated upon those dead elves by the lich king, so there’s no telling what could possibly raise more or if it’s similar to DKs.

As interesting as it could be we will have to see what blizz decides, I’m a dirty Sanlayn RPer so I wouldn’t mind them actually being brought to the horde.

Ebonhorn for best black dragon.


“You are safe as long as you do not protect the Horde or yourselves and the Alliance holds to its word to spare us as they mercilessly murder every Tauren who I have banished, as well as those who have chosen to leave, and all of the Horde if the Alliance can help it.”

This is not helping your argument.


WTB more what if stories. Have those bronze dragons for a chance and show us what exactly would happen if things didn’t happen they currently did! It is the only way we can end all of these debates.

Indeed. But I need the whole Dragonflight. Or at least, the Drakonids. And for that, I need Wrathion.

But I wouldn’t say no to seeing a lot more Ebonhorn around as well.

There’s probably more San’layn than there are Void Elves.

Who knows?

I’m okay with a venthyr allied race as long as the naruto run is included

lol that would be funny, also the Venthyr themselves have great armor designs and clothing

No, no you really don’t.

Note it isn’t. It shows how bad it is. But it’s only one example from 10 years of bad writing.

Don’t even try, it’s pointless. You are right and we see Horde civilians which were slaugthered. Baine defenders are looking for an easy out.

Crossroads as one example. You are ignoring the whole battle for the Barrens.

Which is simply wrong. Defending yourself isn’t an escalation from your side.
Your douple stance is interesting. On the one hand you think defending yourself is warmongering.
But on the other hand you want Baine to have a cool lose his cool warmongering moment. OK.

May I ask: How would you imagine an ideal-Baine?

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By that point in Cata the Horde and Tauren’s relationship was absolutely abysmal. A large minority had wanted to leave the Horde due to hardships they were facing under Garrosh not long before that event.

Baine also did not banish those Tauren from Mulgore, he simply had them removed from TB. And while that is questionable, if you read the actual script of that decision, he didn’t have them removed because they wanted revenge … but because they refused to accept when the decision was finally made. The Tauren system of Governance is not a democracy, and even if it were … they still wouldn’t have gotten their way since the majority was opposed to escalation for Taurajo.

But I think we’ve established you don’t care enough about your Baine hate to actually even read the supplemental material to back it. Rather, you’d prefer to run off hyberbole and “potentials”. The only Tauren in Southern Barrens that remained there were those that chose to be there. That was their risk to take, but they do not get to demand others die for their vengeance.


I do actually really like Pyrogar’s suggestion.

Thura filling in Saurfang’s position with the Axe of Cenarius would be heart touching.

Jorin Deadeye finally doing something as a character would be a great step in the right direction.

Adding distinct differences for the clans, so that it’s not an exclusive theme to the AU Mag’har, would be a very nice piece.

I think the Tauren do need more than just Baine & Mayla present, like Ruk Warstomper. Someone- anyone- that does not share Baine’s views as a character but still has the same overall interests (which is, the Tauren and the Horde).

I also think Rokhan could also use more troll company. The troll story desperately needs more active characters, in the event that he dies.

For the Forsaken, I do not want Calia on the council, period. Voss I will begrudgingly accept as nothing more than a level head to relay between the Horde and the Forsaken. I’d like The Black Bride to actually get some character development. She’s cool as hell.


I specified Southern Barrens, and Crossroads was in the heavily Horde Controlled Northern Barrens. Those people were well defended, not just by the larger Faction, but also by the massive terrain upheaval in the region. There were no major Alliance Holdings in Northern Barrens to defend from.

And no, its not a double stance. Baine did protect his people, with the Great Gate of Mulgore. Until such a time that the canon battleplan of the Alliance for Southern Barrens shifts and there is tangible evidence of an intent to actually invade Mulgore … that Gate protected his people just fine. Me wanting Baine to lose his cool on an individual level is more for his character needs than anything; but I’ve had more than enough “Leader loses their cool and drags their whole nation into the reaction … leading to massive causalities” in WoW. I don’t disagree with Baine’s response to Taurajo. I think that considering the context of the Horde/Tauren relations at the time and his peoples wishes it is perfectly reasonable.