Add to the Horde Council

He seems like he’s trolling. I guess.

I made a similar / the same point yesterday. If any leader would call their people a legitimate target, I don’t think any fan of said race would like that. That’s a writers problem (not proportional to Teldrassil or anything).

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Another thing I would add is that when talking about things like ‘legitimate target’ and all of that is that it misses what I would consider are the cultural implications of such a thing. The place was targeted for training Hunters and Warriors, which is true, the camp had both. However, part of the reason this is so troubling is that there is such a disconnect between the in-universe setting and the modern one in regards to that.

The Tauren have been nomadic for the majority of the last ~7k years, having to evade both Centaurs, Quillboar, and other hostile races they shared the land with. In addition Hunting for food requires a certain level of … ranged weapon proficiency even before you account for the fact that much of the wildlife on Azeroth, and Kalimdor specifically is substantially more dangerous than what can be found in real life. To that end, there’s not really a concept of a tribe or village in Central Kalimdor without trained combatants of some sort, to defend, hunt, or scout out the surroundings. That is even before you include the magic that would go into Shaman as healers, and those who speak with the Elements. True, many would not be what we consider ‘combat’ Shaman, but that still means they can do magical feats that could make them a threat if pressed.

The Tauren people do not live in a safe land, and have to contend with all sorts of hostile races and to do so requires people with combat capabilities far in excess of what is needed today. Most towns in Azeroth have to have a standing force to be able to repel at least minor raids from local threats, and even in highly secure area like Anvilmar the Dwarves keep soldiers on hand to repel any raids that may occasionally occur. In that sense, there’s not really any town in Azeroth that’s excluded from harboring Soldiers to justify any sort of attack.

As for the Tauren, Hunters and Warriors are pillars of their society, as they are for many Horde people. They train up these combatants in every clan and tribe as part of their history, and by necessity of survival. The arguments presented as to why the place is a ‘legitimate target’ are so frustrating to many because the same brush strokes can make every village and town in the Horde just as valid, and most of the Alliance towns as well. Because just about every Alliance and Horde city and town and village has some sort of training available for combat arts that could be argued make them just as legitimate. Razor Hill, Goldshire, Anvilmar, Suramar, Stormwind, Ironforge, and the list keeps going. All of them train up people in combat arts, and by that reckoning used all of them are legitimate.

I mean it goes even more than that, Anduin was training in swords as a young child, many Orcs begin weapon training in their childhood as well. Does that make them Legitimate Targets as well? They have weapons training after all, and spell training. Northshire Abbey trains up Priests, and is the place of origin for Paladins both highly effective combatants, does that make it legitimate?

In a setting where most towns are at risk of attack from some other force, be it Kobold, or Centaur, or Quillboar, or Gnoll then having warriors and fighters on hand to defend yourself is only sensible. However the only time having those forces on hand has been used to validate an attack on that location has been with Taurajo. Which is why it is so frustrating to many posters on the forums.

(Sorry this went on for a bit)


You’re refusal to answer my question just kinda proves that there really isn’t more to this argument.

No Erevien, it shouldn’t be.

You do realize constant War hawks being in charge is why the Horde was neutered to begin with, right?

Erevien, I know you’re not stupid, so I’m going to give you this one warning to refrain from continuing to say such stupid things in the future or I will be forced to verbally lambast you.

There is a whole topic about it with a long discussion.
You said you paid attention. So that’'s on you.
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