Add to the Horde Council

I’d like a council that wasn’t represented by the faction leaders. Faction leaders are pretty busy running their countries, fighting aliens, getting abducted by said aliens etc.

I would like a horde council selected from ‘the wise’ of the various factions. Orgrimmar 2 seats, Undercity 2 seats, Thunderbluff 1 seat, Silvermoon 1 seat, Surumar 2 seats etc. The faction leaders have demonstrated a conspicuous lack of wisdom over the years. Creates a support cast currently lacking in the horde.

Create a new capital in the Barrens or Azharra with a blend of architecture of the factions.

I would prefer no more offspring getting promoted to leadership or other high held positions base solely on their lineage.

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Helcular’s voice lines during the Legion pre-event are better forsaken lore than anything that has come since BTS was released till now.


Goblins are best when they are opportunistic prickheads

(had to use a more safe word, but you get the jargon i hope)

Ok, but the thread ain’t asking who you don’t want to see promoted to leadership positions, the question is who DO you want to see?

Not the current council. I would replace all of them. My own list would look Like this.

Orcs: All the AU warlords
Trolls: Jindo the Breaker
Tauren: Magatha Grimtotem.
Blood elves: Kael’thas
Goblins: Gallywix
Undead: Sylvanas
Pandaren: Chen Stormstout
Nightborne: Grand Magistrix Elisande
Zandalari: Rastakhan
Maghar: Same as Orcs
Highmountain Tauren: under king Dragrul.

I agree with both of them.
Well Rexxar not exactly, because he never liked such positions. Some representation could be good though.

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You are a shill for all the awful peace mongers. Disgusting.

Still a better agenda than whatever you’re trying to push.

And generally, yeah, I love the WC3 Concept of the Horde. I like characters who exemplify that ideal and idea. I like the races of the Horde being people, rather than cannon fodder for despots who wield Plot Convenience as their greatest weapon. And above all, I deeply dislike contrarian logic, and would find any contrarian faction empty and not worth investing in.

You want the Sith Empire? Go play SWtOR.


I will never stop until i get what i want.

The Warcraft 3 Horde is nothing. Just weak alliance push overs without a spine. True power lies elsewhere with Sylvanas and the Jailer.

Horde=/=Sith Empire

Never has been, never will be.

Plz give it a rest already, nobody wants the Horde to be loaded up on crooks and villains.


At this point I don’t care. So long they are choosing one theme and stay with it.

Doesn’t sound like it when you’re writing about Carine (or Baine).

But he died T-T and later that questline was retconned.

Still what surprises me was Vol’jin’s fiance was never show in the game pr reference again after Shadows of the Horde.

Blizzard should really watch the Mandalorian to learn in writing.

Not sure that would work for WoW.

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I’m sure even some snippets could enhace wow to a whole level or at least break the mold from orphan characters

I honestly wouldn’t be completely opposed to Magatha Grimtotem showing up again in the story, not to ‘take over’ for the Tauren or boot out Baine or anything, but to very much show her as trying to use the new Horde Political structure to her advantage.

Instead of her showing up as the head of the Grimtotem have somebody else do so in her stead, but it quickly be established that that person is very much a puppet of Magatha. Have her people be completely co-operative at first, offering the Horde what they need, manpower, resources, and soldiers, at a time when they are hurting for all three. The Grimtotem are one of the larger minor factions on Kalimdor, and them joining the Horde would shift the balance of power heavily in the Horde’s favor in zones like Dustwallow, Thousand Needles (isles), and Feralas.

However, in this hypothetical it is very much a tenuous thing, they provide what the Horde needs, and in exchange are getting the political backing of one of the World’s superpowers, etc. There’s a lot of ways to have this be done more so than just Magatha having some evil ‘kill everyone’ plot, and instead have her have more political goals that while not ‘good’ are not necessarily evil either. Something about getting the Tauren to a position of dominance, with Magatha very much wanting to consolidate political power into the Tauren races and make that political faction the guiding force in the Horde, with the Grimtotem slowly trying to ingratiate themselves with the other Tauren factions aside from the Bloodhoof Tauren.

Assuming Baine can be brought back to Azeroth, it could also be a chance to finally develop Baine in a way completely removed from the Alliance as he has to deal with internal Horde politics, and specifically Tauren politics in general. If Blizzard is so set on not having him just be a great fighter, than give him a political foe so he can develop his skills as a statesman, perhaps being able to defeat Magatha in the political arena in ways his father never could.

In this way, Baine could be developed as somebody who excels at Statesmanship and helps to steer the moral compass of the Council in a way that has him acting almost entirely within the Horde, and not with the Alliance.

Sadly… I have no faith Blizzard could pull off such a plotline, since there are no Kill X Creatures quests in it, and it would involve storytelling that Blizzard seems to have no interest in writing.

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Not being blinded by Rose-Tinted glasses is also something I actually try to do. Cairne made massive mistakes as well during his time as a leader. Nostalgia is one of those things that ruins objectivity. Frankly, the only thing that puts Baine over the top for most people is him saying “Valid Military Target”, but Taurajo was no less a tragedy than Stonespire. And Cairne was even less involved in that mess than Baine.

You also didn’t see Cairne leading “revenge” strikes against the friggen Centaur that nearly pushed them to extinction; he didn’t deal with the Quillboar effectively. People treat him like this untouchable god king, when in reality … he wasn’t really “that” different from his son. He just learned the lesson about when and how to use force that we’re all hoping Baine learns … at the youthful age of 100+. When Baine is what? 30 tops?

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See I think you are mostly blind because of this. You seem to be fixated on a strange notion what people that Baine hate really want.

Indeed this is so disgusting is almost made him irredeemable. Not complete but over the years it became worse.

I figured it was literally this. Because when push comes to shove, this stupid line is the one thing most Baine hate gets sent back to. And since it is this one stupid thing, there is absolutely nothing Blizz could do with the character to ever make him better. Because so much of the Baine hate’s built off that absurd molehill made into a mountain.

Sigh … whatever. The guy isn’t going anywhere, and I would rather focus on real problems with his characterization (that could absolutely be addressed with the right story direction), rather than this overblown meme reason.