Add 20% more armor to all bosses

You can rebalance PVE without harming PVP simply by adding / removing Haste mechanics to classes.

With warriors nerfing them is EZ sauce… Cut flurry down to like 15% haste, and cut the contribution of AGi = Crit down from 20 =1% to 30 =1%, this brings them down quite a lot. BUT there is the issue of their runes that will scale them back up, that may need to be addressed later also.

Secondary problem, ERA and SoD share the same client so this is a problem for proper class tuning…

The reason I say you should go the nerf haste rout is because it does very little to zero damage to PVP, and then secondary crit scaling because warriors crit enough, minus a little Agi scaling will do very little in PVP since most warriors stack stam / str for arms due to even low amounts of crit being plenty.

Those two things along would do wonders.

Simply turning up armor tho this harms Hunters, Warriors, Feral, Ret, Rogue… Also you’re forgetting that this is level 25 right now and at level 25 casters are crippled bad due to so little spell damage gear being a thing AND lacking talents hard core for S-priest / balance / Mage / lock so that the runes we did get do very little now but will be godly later.

LMAO dude you have to be joking.

Let me guess, you think hiring a hit man doesn’t make you a murder and/or culpable to murder?

Okay my turn, let’s say there is a trolley headed towards a fork in the tracks and in:

Scenario A:
It is heading straight down the track and will run over a button that nerfs hunters.

Scenario B:
You pull the lever and the trolley changes directions and goes down a side track that nerfs hunters even harder than scenario A.

The dilemma is this: What kind of popcorn do I want when it nerfs hunters?

I hate the idea. All this does is help the ego of players who care too much about doing more DPS than others rather than benefit anyone.

This would be a horrible change for Pally who are already mid with DPS in the raid compared to most classes and Shaman would rage.

The problem with casters is spell ranks, high resist on the bosses and gear options. This is only an issue in the raid, in dungeons, PvP, and open-world content this changes and in some regards, some of the casters are simply much better than any of the melee. Warlocks that are not restricted by spell ranks thanks to their runes are doing great atm for example.

if they need buffs shift more of the buffs to them into holy damage and nature/fire/frost damage respectively rather than relying on physical white hits

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Yep armor has always been poorly taken advantage when it comes to boss design. They’re all basically the same amount of armor. They could really create some more interesting fights where casters are needed and you can’t just melee/physical stack and vice versa. I’d rather see it be higher on some bosses than every boss, but both could work. There is definitely other foundational problems to casters though.

When the suggestion is something that is fully dismissable, and it has been explained why, and you still try to say “well what if,” then it actually is helpful to dismiss it with nothing to add.

Attempting to flatten a curve by weakening classes at the top in a fashion that will also weaken classes at the bottom doesn’t make sense. Changing the core of the game that will be more detrimental to one class doesn’t mean it buffs other classes. Changing completely how a class plays - by which I mean turning druid into nothing but a bleedbot or turning enhancement into spellhance - ignores the idea devs put out at the start of SoD of “keeping in spirit of Classic.” (And I really don’t care if you think they’ve ignored the spirit or not; when they’ve made this statement and continue to do so, arguments have to be made with this in mind if they want to be taken seriously.)

Add.: Spellhance & spellret can’t really be done without either giving something to convert AP to spell power - which will also screw with any other class or spec wearing this gear with access to physical and spell damage in any sense, along with causing wild imbalances because lord knows they don’t meticulously tune each and every ability individually - or to create all new gear with new stat distribution for these specs, which will either be so weak that they won’t be viable for either of these, or will be so strong that they’ll invalidate any existing gear used by enhancement & retribution, not only for those specs, but any classes/specs that can utilize that gear as well. If a mail piece drops tuned for “spellhance” drops and it’s not complete garbage from the hybrid tax(meaning NOBODY rolls on it), then elemental, retribution, hunter, and DPS warrior also roll on it, because of how much stats on gear would be needed in Classic to not also be useful for more than a singular class/spec.

tl;dr on addendum: Spellhance/spellret doesn’t work in Classic without taking an axe to the system and completely reworking the core of it, or without invalidating a lot of existing options for not just enhance and ret, but any DPS that can wear mail or plate.

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I just want to remind everyone that 20% more armor is not 20% more damage reduction.

yea its probably like 6%

Just wanted to state on how bad Expose armor is at this point in time(will be all classic) and honestly can’t believe you suggest it XD.

We get a whopping 400 armor reduction for 5 points.

Meanwhile Sunder is 180 for 1 application?

Homonculi 1050…

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I think all 3 of them should be a shared debuff so they dont overwrite each other or cause higher versions to make the lower one unable to cast

180 per combo pt
180 per sunder
180 per homonculi hit

would make them all work together better and make the classes not hate each other for putting it up

I would have it work where say if the warrior put up 2 sunders then the rogue uses a 3 combo point expose armor the sunder stack goes to 5.

The only issue with that is the reason why Expose Armor is lower is because we are forced to spec into it to increase it. Which is a personal dps loss and so is tossing on 5 points.

But yea that would be a neat idea but I don’t think they would go as far as changing the talents in Rogue.

Homonculi is just the play XD So strong haha

Blizzard Response : " We’ve listened to the community and decided to reduce hunters overall damage by 5%. This should balance all classes equally. "

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maybe in a future classic+ when they can change stuff they can make them the same and change improved expose armor to do something like return energy or some other buff to rogue to make it consistent. like imp sunder on warrior just lowers the rage cost

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Yeee you really only want to have an IEA Rogue atm if you really stack melee. Improved Expose Armor is better but its a personal dps loss. At this current level its actually worse XD But thats because we have only rank 1. 600 for IEA and 900 for Sunder.

Would be sick if they added the Warrior/Rogue function like you were saying. Would also help with the loss of personal dps.

You dont argue the point because you have nothing to stand on. The original post was that nerfing from the top down is a feeble minded idea, because it is. You always bring the bottom up. You can CHOOSE to see math in that sentence, but you are grasping at straws and you know it.

“It’s my idea I just don’t wanna get my hands dirty” - Soak 25 Night Elf Druid

Do you also believe “fixing the economy” would mean no price changes?

Tell me what “nerfing from the top” or “bring the bottom up” entails? Tell me literally what someone would do if they followed your advice.

Look up the Simpsons feminist math teacher, I feel like you Aced her class dude.

This is your problem, and Im not just talking about the fact that you come off as a complete tool who talks over people and doesn’t listen, mixed with that “know it all” attitude; I never said how I would fix it, I never said that I WOULD fix it, I’m saying that if fixing it is something that needs to happen, it needs to be a bottom up approach. Now that we have come full circle and you have tried to use 14 analogies that bear no weight or meaning to this situation, do you see now WHY I said that math isn’t involved here? Or do we need do go another 30 posts across 2 days for it to sink into your thick skull?

You haven’t demonstrated that you understood the analogies. If we buff every class except for one, that is essentially a stealth nerf to that class. I am not talking about whether it would be a good decision, or a bad decision.

The reason it is a stealth nerf is because the strength of a given class is contrived by design, the bosses are designed to die, the loot is designed to drop. The only real and tangible aspect of a class is in the power it gives to a player in relation to another player. Tanks are a great example, if everyone can tank, than nobody will have a strong identity as a tank. The fact that a warrior can hold threat and not die to akumai but my mage cannot creates INHERENT value in that other player in relation to myself. The same can be said for the tricks and trades of every class.

The same is true for DnD. The stats are mostly an illusion, they are carefully plotted out and accounted for and every increase is prepared for in terms of the difficulty of the enemies/encounters. Your paladin just got +1 ac and attack, but the enemies just got +attack and ac to counter it. But your wizard didn’t get +1 ac, so your role is a tank is still valuable because in relation to the wizard you are better at it.

You’re still a kooky troll pretending that he didn’t proposing a math change when he is literally doing that exactly, but I hope that helps.

We needed to bring communism into this?

bleed dmg from deep wounds depends on the dmg you did first, so armor does reduce warrior bleed dmg.