Theres nothing thats going to stop the community from staring at warcraft logs and assuming that DPS in raids tells the entire story of class balance.
So when they do this they see physical damage classes at the top of the meters and assume this must mean they are overpowered in all aspects of the game. These people are allergic to nuance but they cannot be stopped from staring at one variable and taking that as the answer
So instead of rebalancing all the classes and ruining PvP lets just across the board increase the armor on all bosses in all instances and raids by 20% to lower these warcraft log numbers for physical damage dealers while not ruining the rest of the game.
I’m hoping they do something about the usual world buffs that come later on in the game, those benefit melee way too much and will be a huge issue if they’re left as-is, with all the very strong gear we’re getting.
Would be nice if they just disabled those world buffs and left in new seasonal/phase ones like boon currently that benefits everyone fairly.
Right now, the armor shredding debuffs are nice, but not mandatory. You increase the armor, all you’re doing is making people stack their classes in a certain way to compensate.
I think they should add 50% more armor to all bosses, reduce all auto-attack damage taken by bosses by 90%, and make them randomly Disarm melee and ranged weapons for 8 seconds with no DR.
True. Blizzard should also hire people to go to the Melee DPS’s house and stand next to them as they play and randomly reach over and turn off their monitor.