Ada Gelhardt

The horde have been kiting Ada Gelhardt the npc needed for the Seal of Martydom rune from Duskwood to Grom 'gol and now no paladin can get the rune

yesterday there was a shaman leveling weapon skill on her for almost 2 hours so no one could do it…

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Couldn’t you layer change?

Okay but this problem needs to be fixed , like maybe she can’t be kited out of darkshore .

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sure… let me go from layer 1 to layer 1…

Chaos Bolt?

Lone Wolf at mid morning. Right after the asian gold farmers log off and before the stoners get out of bed…

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I am on wild growth , so i am assuming it is happening everywhere

I appreciate the inventiveness of that troll.

I don’t think that’d fly on a PvP server.

Why wouldn’t it? Paladins are level 10 trying to get it and 40s are tying the mob up for hours at a time

Oh interesting, maybe it is happening everywhere. All my toons were above 25/30 before the XP buff dropped, and had all their P1 runes, so I haven’t what’s been going on at lower levels.

Also, I just assumed that there would be layers on all the servers, and that being able to layer hop in this case would be a potential work around.

I’d be curious if that’s considered a PVP problem with a PVP solution on a PVP server or not. On a Normal server, or really either way, it does seem like intentional gameplay disruption that could warrant at least a, “Hey c’mon guys, people are trying to get a rune.” or something.


Thats why it would be good if a Blue seen this post , to me it doesn’t seem like much more then a hotfix to have her despawn or run back the second someone tries to kite her out of Duskwood

Because other level 40s would be able to come and kill the horde 40s griefing lowbies.

(Kinda like this Level 40 Shadow Priest in Thousand needs that was MC’ing lowbies in the Grimtotem peaks and walking them off the edge to kill them. That was happening until I showed up on my Shaman and camped the living hell out of her until she rezzed, levitated, and floated safely to the ground not to return.)

That kinda crap just doesn’t fly on a PvP server…because you can kill the griefer.
(Although once the guards have her, that would be a rough one, lol- gotta stop them before then.)

Since the little island is in duskwood the poor lvl 10 paladins are tagged when they swim out there so in my case there is nothing you can do if you don’t have an army to help you, it was an enhance shaman afterall. Ones that kite to grom’gol there is also not really a solution if they make it there since the guards will 1 shot you. It’s an easy kite down the river then up the beach.

Other rune mobs can’t even be seen by other classes. No reason this one shouldn’t be different.

not really a pvp problem , the problem is the guards attack her and once shes engaged evennot if you were able to get to her it wouldn’t solve anything

If you say so… it would sure take a lot of time to kite that far. It’s kind of surprising that this is possible, but the Rune addition stuff overall does seem to be a little rough around the edges.

Have you considered posting this in the Bug Reports forum? I wonder if being able to kite this mob so far would fall under that category.


it’s a lvl 10 mob that is unkillable… you just strafe all the way there while attacking

For the Horde!

i had a hassle today trying to create a ticket and still was not able to , not sure why you cant just create a ticket like before i only get automated responses

Oh this was a reply to me? Yeah, that’s still walking all the way from the little island, as a Horde through Duskwood, into STV and down to Grom’Gol. You’ve got to be relatively committed to doing so…

I wouldn’t describe doing something that takes that long as being an easy kite. It’s like, sure it’s a pretty easy thing to do, but if it takes 30 minutes, well holding your hands above your head is easy to, but it’s not so easy to keep them there for 30 minutes!

Anyway, that’s completely off topic. I’d consider putting a post into either the Bug Reports or Customer Support forums, as obviously you’d like to get your rune objectives completed.
