Ada Gelhardt

This is the problem with NPC kiting. It’s great, and we all have a good laugh when it happens occasionally. But this is like, what? The 5th story this week about NPC kiting affecting Alliance?

It gets old real quick.

That’s the thing one or two times its funny but at some point she should respawn at the quest location , not hang out in Grom ’ gol for the week

Report it for griefing, interfering with quest npcs is against the rules, I say this as someone who killed a lazy peon in durotar on launch day while orcs were waiting to for him to go to sleep.

it’s on the elwynn, duckwood, westfall border. It’s a super short run. You just run straight up the river to STV.

Reroll horde problem solved. All the alliance are rolling shaman now anyway. Come join the fun.

She belongs to the horde now. Training our weapon skills.

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See you soon

hopefully you all get banned… I’ve now wasted most of the day reporting for exploiting and disruptive gameplay.

Nobody is getting banned.

I logged on yesterday morning in Grom Gol to find a full on gang bang happening. It was hilarious. We all got our weapon skills up. Good times.