"Actual" CC changes will make ppl want to PvP

Oh yeah, and add a mega rare roll that can give a piece of t3 for your class or a tcg tabard.

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It isn’t my job to come up with every little nitty gritty detail on how an idea like mine would come to fruition. I don’t get paid to do it. My idea is simply to make it more fun for healers (likely for a substantial majority of would-be PvP healers) by allowing them to play more and be CC"d less. I have stated, multiple times, that this shouldn’t/cannot be done in a vacuum. How would they do this? I don’t know, not my problem. Perhaps a drastic shift is required?

damage is high, but outside of like 2-3 outliers, it’s not unhealable and if you think it is, you just need to play more and get better at dealing with it

your suggestion also doesn’t actually fix the problem you think exists, it just allows you to PvE more while also allowing dps to PvE more

why do you think healers are the only class affected by CC?

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In theory, I’m not opposed to any such incentive…
However, what constitutes an exclusive reward nowadays with previous TCG items finding their way to every player remains an open question. So by this logic yeah, that’d be a good idea tbh. Bring more ppl to rated pvp

And you can argue that 10-15 secs CC chain should exist, but I’m telling you from my personal perspective as healer, the only thing this does is make me not want to play.

By all means, be right. Ignore my view. But I feel there is evidence to support I am not the only that feels this way. There are even supatease clips where he complains about what I’m talking about

if your rebuttal is “idk how to fix it, it’s not my job!” than you absolutely deserve to be ridiculed for having such a stupid idea to begin with

nothing about PvP is “drastically shifting” ever again

we are more of a mini-game, afterthought than we ever have been

at least gear acquisition is S-Tier


I am not going to do that. I appreciate you being open to it, though! However, it isn’t my job to figure out how to make it work. I do believe that, it shouldn’t be done in a vacuum and they will likely need to change other parts of PvP. It may require drastic changes or it may not.

I believe allowing healers to play more and be CC’d less would make it more fun for healers and, as a result, you would see more queueing and lowering the queue time for others.

This likely isn’t the only solution, but I do believe it would be a solution.

The thing is its not that you aren’t going to do it.

Its that you can’t.

Why can’t you?
Because the answer is very revealing and debunks your entire moronic idea.

then maybe healing ain’t for you man

i feel the same way and i know healing isn’t for me which is why i don’t do it, but i also know that if i wanted to heal, i’d put the time to get better avoiding/dishing out my own CC to counter the CC being thrown at me because that’s how the game is meant to be played

i have never, and will never be of the belief that we should be catering to positions of “but i don’t like it so change it!” because 99% of the time, the suggestions are awful and they are coming from below average players

the game shouldn’t be designed around the top 1%, but it certainly shouldn’t be designed around players that feel the game is holding them back when it’s almost never the case

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What a dumb take. You typically start with big ideas first and then try and figure out the nitty gritty details. People who make suggestions aren’t required to have all the answers on how to implement it. That’s silly.

Okay. If you believe that, I am sorry. I think it can get better. People, like the OP, making suggestions about things that would be improved, is how we get things to be better. People like you, who feel defeated and like nothing will improve, hold progression back.

Could go the FFXIV way and add specific mounts/mogs for X amount of games queued on a specific class (spec for WoW).

I spammed dungeons to get the paladin lion way back when I played FFXIV, to get them all you’d need to play a certain amount of games on each healer.

In a few seasons/expansions if the problem persists you could add more.

Maybe it’s just my mount / mog brain but I feel like mounts and mogs are the main reasons people play the game tbh, seems like the best incentive.


Okay, whatever you say :slight_smile:

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Again, you’re entitled to your opinion. Just bc you say words though, doesn’t mean you are right. You can’t prove anything youre saying, but are still 100% sure you are correct. You have taken the most extreme view of what I have said from the getgo.

You are entitled to your personal view. I am mine. I am gonna keep healing no matter how much you condescend. What I am suggesting is not unreasonable, no matter how much you try to gaslight it.

they should’ve kept the gladiator’s distinction cc reduction for healers


That’s actually an incredible idea… I’ve played FFXIV, and agree 100%
I’m personally playing for cosmetics right now,
I hope to get the red enchant later this season when I am not queueing against top players at 1900…
I used to have the OG red enchant but the warlords wardrobe messed up MoP rewards :frowning:

I also like this idea

only when their suggestions come from a place of entitlement and or complaining should they be required to offer up ideas on how to implement their suggestions

your very first post was a smug “oh you don’t want to make the game more fun for me? enjoy your long ques!”

you’re legit a clown if you think people have no basis to call you out for that

i’m a realist, not a defeatist. you’re an idealist, not an optimist.

idealistically, i’d love for blizzard to give WoW PvP the same attention it gives keys and raids

realistically, we have gotten less and less since WoD, and you are incredibly delusional if you think it’s going to get much better

the best thing they can do is add solo q RBGs, make the current gear system standard for the rest of time, and leave us alone

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those are your words, not mine

I like your suggestion too

Yeah, when I really stop and think, the only reason I still play arena at all is to make my character look cool.

That’s it.