Thank Allah blizzard does not read these forums
I really don’t ever see this getting added. Due to the length of rbgs and amount of players, you can’t shuffle teams to account for bad comps. Queue times are still going to be atrocious because of lack of healers, and its just not going to feel good to play. All fun and games until you have a prot warrior FC with no base sitters and the other team has guardian druid with 3 boomies and a rogue. And then someone leaves and 19 people get nothing.
Your view this whole time has been ‘it will ruin pvp’ ← prove it. You can’t. But you KNOW you’re right.
This is what I mean. Not allowing 10-15 sec CC chains will not ruin pvp. I can’t prove this either, this is just my view. But I know im not the only one who feels this, and even top players like Supatease are frustrated by the neverending chains
What should be the maximum cc?
i personally think it’s inevitable, but i’m not convinced it will be 10v10 more likely 6v6 like deep six brawl
but i really don’t think comps would matter. people would just que it like they que random BGs. the rating/vault would be a bonus
with random BGs still being the most popular form of instanced PvP by far, a rated solo q option would be wildly popular pretty much from the start, tanks would actually have a place, etc
it’s possible they don’t ever add it, but i’m fairly confident they will
This is up for debate, but the 5+3+1, like with sheep, or around this, for multiple layers of the same time-duration (but different spell types that dont currently DR) wouldn’t ruin pvp
imo ofc
No team is killing in a 9 second maximum cc chain lmaooo
6v6 rbgs sounds horrible on almost every map.
Uh, I have as dps, and have had it happen to me, in under 5 secs
I’ve seen it in 2 secs vs. destro
Ok if people don’t press defensive cooldowns they are supposed to die….are you saying they are not?
if your changes are implemented with no other massive changes, yes, it will ruin PvP. my proof is fury/arms/WW/DH/FDK/Feral never pressing a single CC and just doing raid ST PvE rotations for insane dps that you simply won’t be able to heal through despite you being able to PvE as well
but you also haven’t retorted that. you’ve just said “well let’s fine a middle ground.” okay, you tell me what other changes you think should be implemented in order for your suggestions to make sense?
oh, wait, you can’t do that? maybe because you really don’t care about the health of the game, you just care about not having to learn to avoid CC like every good healer does
“why won’t blizzard just let me spam regrowth???”
i don’t really like the idea of deep six either, but i know some people really glorify the idea lol
i think 10v10 would work just fine, tho
Lol. Nope, that still isn’t the case. A good suggestion is a good suggestion regardless of how it is brought up. Sorry I struck a nerve or offended you!!!
Blizzard has made a substantial change to PvP recently. They even improved gearing between SL and DF. Their changes appeared to be based off of community feedback. Maybe they will continue? Who knows. Worth a shot.
Solo q RBGs would be super fun! I also agree about the gearing system. I think it’s pretty good this xpac.
Your arguments are becoming more and more ad hominem. I fear at this point you are just arguing to argue / insult. I thought you were exhausted from arguing with people earlier?
Youre just saying words while saying it will ruin pvp without offering real proof, which, you can’t provide without it being implemented and seeing for your seeing. Offering words of random examples isnt the same proof.
You can be right. I can tell you have a deep need for this. I’ve given my view.
like i said, its all fun until you get the prot warrior on warsong while the other team has guardian druid and 3 boomies to just ruin your day. I would just quit out
Your suggestion is garbage and would kill the game LMFAO
This is an example of a good suggestion that lead to a good change!
Take notes!
Sure. But sitting in 10 to 15 secs of CC means they can use their 5-8sec defensive, and still get wrecked, while the healer is stuck not able to do anything but watch them die
Hard disagree (read above). It wouldn’t kill the game. It would likely have to be implement with other changes to the game, though. Otherwise melee will zerg even more and games would take forever! However, it would likely increase healer participation and be an improvement to the overall health of the game.
true i guess Mao had great ideas too
they were forced to do this because the SL system was awful, promoted carries which destroyed the middle of the ladder, and actually made playing multiple alts impossible
they did give us a lot, but they gave everyone a lot, we just weren’t left out
my Achilles heel is watching people spout nonsense drivel without being called on it
i stand by what i said earlier about the essay i ignored because there was zero shot that convo was worth having, but you continued to say other dumb things that i just couldn’t keep myself from replying too
such is life