"Actual" CC changes will make ppl want to PvP

Fear and clone immediately come to mind

It’s not about a particular class, it’s about combat as a whole. It’s very telling how most of the suggestions about CC are “have your teammates help out”. That’s because CC is so often and plentiful that to stop it, you need to have your teammates CC them first :rofl:

Combined with the very high damage spikes, a kill window can appear at almost any time. Your teammates can almost always be within moments of death because there’s usually a CC ability ready. Classes can mess up CC chains (which they often do even at high ratings), and STILL secure kills quite easily. That shouldn’t happen as much.

But I’ve also said before I’d make remove the Disorient category and disperse it across the remaining categories.

is fear actually a problem or are lock’s generally overtuned

is fear really a major issue in aff compared to demo or destro?

It’s probably more potent with aff since you explode if you dispel fear when they have ua. was taking 220k backlash hits through scales 30% for the silence immunity. Also I just hate fear in general since it makes me range my own communion :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

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i don’t know how long you’ve been playing WoW, but your teammates helping you avoid CC has literally always been the name of the game

the only reason why some people don’t think that’s a valid argument is because the fiesta known as RSS exists and i don’t think CC should be completely destroyed for every other bracket because of that zoo

that’s not a CC issue tho, that’s a damage issue

and with that damage, you’d rather lower CC so… more of that damage can occur?

c’mon, man, this is the same silly argument that was made yesterday and it will never track

healer’s sitting CC isn’t unique to healers. less CC means Mortalstrikex gets to have even more uptime than he does now which means even if you get to spam Healing Surge, your dps still dies

i liked your idea of adding more counterplay like death/ground/shift to the game so each healer has a tool or two, but we can’t add that and reduce overall CC

but that has nothing to do with fear

we can agree that they shouldn’t have buffed the UA dispel protection, but you can’t say fear is an issue and then say “well fear is actually bad in aff because you can’t really dispel it” because fear is used in all 3 specs, not just aff

it’s like the cheap shot thread from earlier this week. that moron OP wanted to add a CD to cheap shot because of sub rogues. dude didn’t care at all that doing so would actually do more damage to sin/outlaw

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Getting fear chained and randomly running off out of position sucks against all 3. It’s just worse against aff, but I guess that doesn’t really matter for sitting ccs as a healer since you’re not going to be dispelling yourself.

isnt DK also a caster now?

I’m actually pretty okay with the scenarios you laid out. Less CC means more damage uptime, and needing to make more intelligent and impactful CC decisions from all players. What’s wrong with that? Maybe it’s not the best solution, there’s a bunch of ideas to consider. My point is still that CC is too easy and plentiful but I get your point it’s not simple to fix. I don’t really care exactly how to fix it, I just feel like the current amount of CC is too much and it dumbs the game down and makes it not as fun.

I did see a few people putting down the idea of healers just healing more, but I do think there’s some merit there too. Believe it or not, there’s skill to just healing. I’m okay with dps having more uptime because my dps will also have more uptime. I’m okay with going more head to head in a healing battle against the enemy healer as part of the match-up.

*Some people here are operating under the assumption that more cc = more skilled gameplay. That’s actually not really the case. PvP doesn’t really work out like that but that’s a different topic. So we have a fundamental difference in opinion there.

the game would have to be completely redesigned from the ground up as others have said including myself multiple times

CC does the opposite of dumbing the game down

lowering CC in the current game would actually succeed in dumbing the game down

i’m actually amazed you don’t understand this

this is literally “you think you do but you don’t”

there is no world where healers will ever be strong enough to out heal 2 melee dps doing their PvE rotation because they don’t have to worry about CC

dampening would have to skyrocket, or mana management would be even more of a thing than it already is, or healing in PvE would have to be so incredibly dumb that even the hardest of keys and raids would be trivial

respectfully, your opinion is wrong

without CC, melee would just ook ook. you should go watch the Zilea TSG win blizzcon back in wrath. they literally just ran down people. that’s the kinda game that would exist without adequate CC which we currently have

we aren’t saying the game needs more CC

we are just saying the game doesn’t need another massive reduction in CC without other massive changes that simply aren’t going to happen

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OK let’s break this down:

  • You want less cc so your teammates don’t die (if not then why even ask for it).
  • Then you say if there was less cc they would still die which means damage had to go up for them to die in shorter cc windows.
  • So then we are back at square 1 where your teammates are still dying with you in cc which I am guessing will lead to another “reduce cc even more” post until that actually doesn’t happen.
  • At which point we will be where I said and your teammates will just need to die with you spam healing them by dampening ramping up faster and higher.

There is no get out of jail free card here where you get to sit and spam heal games and nobody dies until 10 minutes went by and you’re oom like Jimmy was joking about. People need to die in a timely manner so how do you propose that be done without the cc or dampening to make it happen? At least the cc method provides good players more agency over the outcome.

More cc = less actions per minute…because you literally cannot act. Less actions per minute = less decisions per minute. Less decisions per minute = less skill.

I know this is a forum so you must go to extremes, but in reality there’s a sweet spot between no CC and too much CC. We are not at that sweet spot because combat right now has so many CC actions that you can often overlap and mess up and still get kills.

Also in my fantasy world, peels still exist to prevent melee having 100% uptime.

Pressing more buttons per minute doesn’t equate to being more skillful. Just because you’re cc’d and can’t press riptide or bloodthirst for 5 seconds doesn’t matter. However avoiding that cc in the first place or teammates saving cd’s for when it does happen is more skillful.

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Yeah it’s not a perfect expression. But right now there’s so much CC (most of it instant) that you cannot avoid and makes a significant impact on that actions per minute ratio. That’s why you need the sweet spot.

As a healer in solos its terrible to being CCed the enrire match, no new player would want to play pvp after a match like that.

Unfortunately you being a druid I have trouble feeling bad as cyclone is my personal spell nemesis

I dont like cyclone neither lol, because im forced to spend 30% of my time in solos cycloning ppl and thats sad…

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That’s because the meta for shuffle is just “focus the weakest dps, throw every CC and interrupt imaginable on the healer until someone wins in dampening”. It’s the meta because it’s simple and it works. I don’t see this changing either. It’ll happen in practically every match and at most skill levels.

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I just wanna play my character without getting cc’d full through three different drs. I greed my trinket a lot, relying on those dps to use personals while echod dream breath, dream projection, reversion provide a little bit of support. If they gap the cc at all, rewind. Can always communion or trinket rewind. Usually people aren’t dying until damp hits 40-50%. It’s just stressful and generally not fun to heal when you get multi dr chained.

Like I said though, I don’t really do 3s, just solo shuffle. I don’t think it’s as big a problem in shuffle, but it does happen. Mostly because crimson legends and gladiator mount bros are chilling in the 1800mmr range and just completely outplay me.

at least you understand that most of what you guys want is actual fantasy

I thought everyone went to the forums with the knowledge that absolutely none of this would get implemented and everything here is just pure fantasy?