Activision vs. CA UPDATE Employees Planning Walk Out

You’re apparently more interested in defending Blizzard for forum points than the just absolutely disgusting stuff going on at their company and the real people who had to suffer through it. Its disgusting and you’re disgusting for defending it. I’m not having a protracted useless argument about this with you so can wank to your own forum posts. These are real people and this is actually monstrous. Full stop

In 2014 my team manager (boss’s boss) harassed me daily while pregnant. He would write me up for using the restroom to pee at 8-9 months pregnant, claiming I was outside my allotted breaks and adherence metric. Every day I’d come to work being told that might be the day I got fired. I ended up just never drinking at work and landed in the ER due to dehydration.

My direct supervisor used to like to sneak up behind me and grab my sides or shoulders and yell to scare me. I’m very jumpy and would always scream. He’d laugh at me and tell me to chill out when I begged him to stop. When I complained to my team manager (same one as above) he gave me an essay written by some Harvard business school professor about being too sensitive to criticism. I was made to read it at home then sit in a room alone with the 2 men explaining what I had learned from it and how I’d stop complaining about the touching going forward. I spent many lunch hours bawling alone in my car.

The people sueing the company all have a couple things in common.

I wouldn’t just blindly follow every headline as a truth.

Did you read the thread, or did all those words scare you?


So. Freaking. Gross

See above… Have someone read it to you if you’re having trouble

So, you’re scared to read it.


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100 posts in 24 hours. Take a lap.

And not a single one frightened of the truth.

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What’s this have to do with anything?

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The department of fair employement for the largest state in the nation is suing Blizzard… Thats not a group of people. You kids keep trying to act like this is some kind of twitlonger thread. Its not…

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i.e., No, I don’t wanna read and will just make blind accusations.

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Your reactions for people you dont know on a situation you arent involved in, and have no real way of discerning the truth about is baffling.

You realize people have to file these things first right? TO the people you are referencing lol.

Woke culture can gtfo. Go look at the people filing this lawsuit. You will see immediately why there is some doubt into HOW BAD their work environment was.

People who dont just blindly join your cancel movement doesnt equal them defending any types of behavior people are being accused for. I’d rather just see how it ends first in court besides just acting like I need to campaign for a random cause online lol.


What are you talking about? The mental gymnastics you kids are going through right now are impressive I’ll give you that.

I get how it seems to you guys. A bunch of women (who lets be honest, most of you have very very little interaction with) are going to bring down your favorite fantasy video game company! So it’s not surprising the neckbeardery on display right now. Disappointing? Absolutely… but not surprising.

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Men who are pigs can gtfo.


Jesus christ you people are gross


Of coruse.

Its people that throw that accusation at every man that is getting ridiculous. Man = bad is the narrative.

I cant even with these people. WTF does wanting something even approaching equal consideration have to do with “woke culture???” How does not wanting to deal with gross, drunk guys LARPING as fratboys WHILE AT WORK mean you’re part of “cancel culture.”

The more I hear from them, the more I’m thinking its a good thing they rarely leave their house…

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Maybe if I type in all caps people will understand how outraged I am by this thing I have no involvement or understanding of.

Maybe just keep calling people “gross” its easy to see where this leads.

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Dude. Save your incel kekw nonsense for your reddit buddies. I’m legit embarassed for you right now

Mental gymnastics? You should read first. Then accuse.

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