Activision vs. CA UPDATE Employees Planning Walk Out

I have never posted on reddit. Nice try swinging low though with the incel thing. Also have a wife and kids, and a brain that doesnt make me reeee everytime I hear about something online that I dont know the real story of besides second hand forum posts and a lawsuit being filed but not decided on.

You just go on being angry lil buddy. I’m sure these people in cali appreciate your angsty posts for their cause.

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Name calling like that is against the forum rules and is often flagged as inappropriate.


Well for one, they’re not just “people in California.” Much of this also took place in my hometown, the suit was just filed in California. Not that that has any bearing on anything whatsoever. I’m not angry, but whenever you see someone say something like

you can be sure theres a sad little guy behind the keyboard.

I thought that’s how we win arguments around here, though.




There are no allegations against any females in this suit, is there? No. So yeah, the men who are pigs can gtfo.

Afrasiabi had to be pulled off a female by other employees ffs. He was given a “talking to” about his behavior and continued to act like a PIG. This isn’t a he said/she said thing. This is a case of “cubing,” groping women, disparaging comments, harassment, discrimination, and slew of other behaviors KNOWN, SEEN and DOCUMENTED by multiple employees.

“Help! The woke people are cancelling my being able to grope coworkers!”

That’s what you come up with???


And not for nothing but Afrasiabi quietly resigned with a conspicuous lack of fanfare last year. Clearly they knew something was going on

a sad little guy?

kek. Keep up trying with the personal attacks. You are adorable lil guy.

Oh we’ve seen without the caps just how “outraged” you are and how you don’t “rush to judgement.”

Having my profile set to public is another thing I’m not afraid of.

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I really don’t get why he can’t seem to separate whatever he identifies as a “cancel movement” from a lawsuit filed by a major state department after a 2 year investigation.

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because it’s California, they have been canceling everything forever, such as, but not limited to, The governor actually having to do this “Gavin Newsom signs bill to rush spending on California wildfire prevention as drought sets in” APRIL 13, 2021

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Plus… when you read stuff like

“In cases related to misconduct, action was taken to address the issue,” Activision Blizzard claimed in a statement shared with The Washington Post. The statement went on to say, “The picture the DFEH paints is not the Blizzard workplace of today. Over the past several years and continuing since the initial investigation started, we’ve made significant changes to address company culture and reflect more diversity within our leadership teams."

it doesn’t even sound like they’re denying it happened. They’re simply trying to say “Yea we did that. But we got better and the people involved left so… even kevin right?”

Where in any of my posts do I condone said behaviors if true?

Insert “Yea Ok” Gif

Seems like right wing speak for “Let me do whatever I want without consequences!” I dunno’. Get’s trotted out when people want to defend acting like neanderthals.


What??? Now they’re trying to cancel drought and wildfires??

Stupid woke cancel culture. . .

It sounds like a company that is very large and has programs to curb sexual harrassment and other misbehavior in the workplace like literally every company that grows to a size of note has.

Them doing this is not a admission of fault over the group of people who filed this to begin with. I’m telling you, go look. Maybe you will get why it smells of cancel culture to me. I just want to wait and see how the court decides this.

Again NONE of the accused actions do I deem ok, and I feel like there is likely warranted complaints, but it seems blown out of proportion. Which is ridiculous I have to say but that’s the world we live in. I dont back your cause so I must condone sexual harassment in general lol.

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Yea lol. I didn’t follow either