Activision vs. CA UPDATE Employees Planning Walk Out

I never said anything about being wrongly accused or convicted or charged. Not a word. I said states don’t file charges without evidence.

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Boys will be boys. :unamused:

Wait for Decimius (or whatever the name ) to come in here claiming how wrong it all is.

Why are people flagging your post? Man… I mean this will all due respect and honesty - The absolute lengths people on the forums go to in order to defend this company and game is just so sad.

Like, not even saying this in a troll/mean way but any form of criticism against the game or this company (no matter how valid) will just get so many addicts/Blizz defenders coming to the rescue… honestly mind blowing lol.


That’s lunacy. Activision aren’t the ones who created the game, the old Blizzard did. So gtfo of here with that nonsense.

Who are you talking about?

I need to clarify before I give you a world and American history lesson.

Also, people need to cut it out.

How many racist do you know that admit they are racist to the person they are arguing with?

Admitting it would make any argument you make appear clearly biased. Kind of like the comment you made.

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what are you talking about. the general chat has multiple posts of the same subject and almost no one is defending blizzard. secondly this post is in the wrong subject category and that’s why i flagged it.

Imagine being a trashy white supremacist who’s afraid of his own shadow (failures).


Talking like that will just get you beat up, IMO.

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You seemed to be pretty upset when the other dude said that charges don’t prove guilt.



What does this have to do with, like, ANYTHING you’ve said??

I missed the first statement you quoted. Apologies.

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Ehh any “praise” they got was mostly media. There’s a lot of “Here’s what the public face sees” being very different from “Here’s what the military actually did.” And any President being the Commander in Chief doesn’t really reflect on the rest of the military the same as actual Generals do, let alone the myriad of platoons that are so far removed from all the political mess.

No, but unless they have some really good evidence to link the suicide with sexual assault/harassment, the implication is beyond disgusting to suggest otherwise. The complaint uses pretty mealymouthed language too:

In a tragic example of the harassment that Defendants allowed to fester in their offices, a female employee committed suicide while on a company trip due to a sexual relationship that she had been having with her male supervisor. The male supervisor was found by police to have brought a butt plug and lubricant on this business trip. Another employee confirmed that the deceased female employee may have been suffering from other sexual harassment at work prior to her death. Specifically, at a holiday party before her death, male co-workers were alleged to be passing around a picture of the deceased’s v-----.

The only thing in this entire claim (¶ 48) that actually falls under “harassment” is the very last line, and it is prefaced by “may”. It doesn’t even try to call the relationship with the supervisor “inappropriate” or anything of the sort, and the fact that the guy had some sex-themed toys is neither here nor there. Might as well have noted that tucked into his luggage the guy had a roll of condoms… so what?

Like I said, they had better pony up some significant evidence to show how someone committed suicide because of a relationship which (as of right now) we don’t even know any details of which would make that relationship bad. And don’t give me the “no relationships between superiors/subordinates” nonsense, unless Blizzard has such a policy explicitly spelled out (most companies don’t so I doubt this), the relationship even existing isn’t actionable.

This is generic wage dispute originating in California where the cost of living is atrocious. This is the standard “CEOs get too much, grunt workers get too little”.

Same as above.

Same as above.

You linked three articles about the same thing: people are unhappy generally with how little they’re getting paid and wanted to hold Blizzard to a 10% raise very literally.



That’s a slam dunk that you scored there.

Dude… It’s not a case of “he said she said.” This is the after a 2 year investigation by the largest state in the nation my guy… This is A LONG way from a disgruntled employee making a tweet.


Fascaie is really defending Blizzard here? Gross my dude. Just absolutely disgusting

Is that always your reaction when someone tells the plain, unvarnished truth?

Sounds like a “you” problem.


Those articles seem to make the same point I was making. From the Bloomberg article:

engineers at Blizzard can make well over $100,000 a year, but others, such as video game testers and customer-service representatives, are often paid much less.

For engineers read software engineers/developers. Video game testers, Game Masters, customer-service reps are considered less skilled employees and are arguably not treated well throughout the industry.

The reason I bring this up is people often refer to developers and argue that Blizzard doesn’t pay their developers well. But looking at sites like Glassdoor the developers (software engineers) are paid in-line with the industry averages.

Should they pay their non-engineers more? That is a different argument and one I can agree with, but that isn’t specific to Blizzard and has no bearing on the pay their developers are receiving.

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Glinda too? Good to see your loyalty to Blizzard supersedes your humanity. Not that youve ever demonstrated much of the latter

Try reading the thread before you start making accusations.

Or, just be disingenuous. We don’t expect anything better from you at this point.