Activision Blizzard sued by California. This is bad

But seeing a tweet that is possibly the solution to the problem that I no longer find that would serve the NPC problem.

It is to replace it with another reference, in this case according to this tweet it was the one that made the South Park Jenkins cosplay.

Really? How fascinating, I was unaware there were black Puerto Ricans. You must be quite an exotic beauty.

It is taking advantage of panic, it is making popular through tragedy.

Tell me if I work for 13 years in the company? Why hides the victims like the suicide, who were other than those responsible? was she into it?

There are many unanswered questions yet, and it only helps to do more damage to the game than the real culprits of the scandal.

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Me linking her video showing that another youtuber is leaving Warcraft is taking advantage of panic?

I honestly don’t see your logic.

because of those responsible who want to enlarge the controversy more and more, as if to make a hashtchag (I think it is written like that)


Please, you don’t need any more logic than what’s going on.

Hashtag? … :hash:

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Yeah people tell that a lot.

This is all very unsettling…

Why wasn’t something done about sexual harassment in the workplace when it first started?

In my opinion in the workplace is where you meant to keep your mouth shut.

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SMDH There’s literally a billion other things you can talk about around the water cooler that’s not only SFW…but just plain decent. The fact that that’s where they needed to go with their “jokes” time and again just proves that these guys need to spend some quality time with a good shrink.


Conservatives are the biggest hypocrites.

Cancel culture is evil! But oh no, cancel that gay culture because it infringes on their fantasy epic beliefs.

Cancel culture is evil! But oh no, I won’t shop where they require masks, or vaccinations!

Cancel culture is evil! But oh no, they said something mean about muh presidunt.

So typical. Capitialism is wonderful, capitalism is evil. Take your pick, but the ones usually screaming about Capitalism being great are the first ones to cry over cancel culture, when one of the most important aspects of capitalism is being able to take YOUR MONEY WHERE YOU WANT TO. Periodt.


Congrats, you’re ignorant.

I am devastated that my subscription has gone towards an organisation that has by their admission had a retaliation culture. I know the rest is currently alleged but just the allegation is bad enough. These are people’s daughters, sisters, aunts, mothers, girlfriends and wives - they are also Human beings who deserve the basics like a safe and respectful workplace.
You need major changes, you need to clean house and you need to think about what has happened and with all the posts on twitter from former employees - perhaps you should take this a little more seriously.


You can’t put a positive spin on it, what you’re doing is against federal law.

Semper Fi! :us:


It isn’t look again at the time period stated. 6 months falls outside of the protected time period. I’ve said this multiple times now. It would be nice if people read what is written before they argue.

provides certain employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year.

Applies to all public agencies, all public and private elementary and secondary schools, and companies with 50 or more employees.

Employees are eligible for leave if they have worked for their employer at least 12 months, at least 1,250 hours over the past 12 months, and work at a location where the company employs 50 or more employees within 75 miles.

Time taken off work due to pregnancy complications can be counted against the 12 weeks of family and medical leave.

There are a lot of contingencies on being able to leave for this length of time.

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When you have people that are not comfortable and people fudging off and patches are late as hell and so is the actual launch how do you figure that the game will not suffer? This is copium. This game is done. I’ve been here since week one. I am totally upset and in a strange place. It gives me no motivation to even log on. I want this game to to succeed, but now I feel like I have wasted a good portion of my life when they make it pay to win with a token system. Your time means nothing only your cash and gold.


What a week huh

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Have you even been to Florida?

So train both. Woman B can be next in line for promotion, and you’ll have a backup, fully trained and experienced supervisor, ready to go for the next promotion. You should have a backup ready , anyway.

Yes and waste weeks to months depending on the position of two people, the trainee and trainer. Plus you deal with resentment on the part of the person who was supervisor and gets demoted as I stated before.

In order for a bushiness to remain profitable you don’t do these types of things. Especially if your facing tight deadlines or worse behind on them.

When and if the person in question plans to comes back (provided they plan to be gone longer then 12 weeks) they regain their old position and are eligible for any promotions after to do so before hand is lunacy, particularly if there are already equally qualified candidates.

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You mean person B, who was aware from the start that the promotion is temporary? Of course, if person B is the better candidate to start with, then don’t bother training person A. That person B is the better candidate renders person A’s pregnancy irrelevant.
If person A is the better candidate, and the only reason they aren’t getting the training is their impending maternal leave, then training both, with B being told from the first that their postion will be temporary, then you have what you should have had in the first place - somebody who can move into a supervisory role for any sudden emergencies, because health (and other) emergencies can happen to anybody, regardless of gender or health status.
And as person B will have proven themselves in a supervisory role, you now have somebody you know is reliable to fill in the next permanent supervisory role that becomes available.
And if person B is resentful that the position they took on knowing it was temporary, really was temporary, they don’t sound like a very good candidate for further promotion. Or continuing employment, really. Frankly, iin that hypothetical situation, if person B’s resentment affects work that badly, they weren’t a good candidate for promotion, however good they might be in other areas. Who knows what they could end up thinking they were entitled to, and resent not getting?