Activision Blizzard sued by California. This is bad

Invincible’s Reins is an anagram of Alex Afrasiabi, you should remove that mount from the game too

Everyone needs to stop and let the evidence come out And then we’ll see what happensAnd everyone who’s jumping ship now probably be back

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The time period does not matter, what you claim you are doing is the definition of discrimination under federal law. It doesn’t really matter though, you’ll answer for it one day and find out, assuming you’re not throwing everyone a line for the attention, which I’m beginning to think you are. I could link the law for you, but it’s pretty easy to look up. Google it.

Semper Fi! :us:


To clarify and simply put it, Blizz has had this kind of problem before to which they resolved. What DID happen is Activision and Blizz made an agreement to become a company together. What caused this in the offices? No, clue. This is on Activision’s part and they need to clean it up. None of this is Blizzard’s doing, just Activision. They’re hated enough anyway.

In other words, they did the absolute minimum.

You do realize that doing the minimum is also called “Doing enough”.

Then once California has successfully had it day in court against the Blizz Activision alliance then all of the female employees at Blizz will start demanding compensation

As there are so many that could potentially do that WoW’s continued existence is under threat if Blizz go down and don’t sell WoW to someone else. And who could possibly affor d to do that. SUckleburg I guess or maybe Gates… If they buy it I’m out for sure.