Activision Blizzard sued by California. This is bad

That’s the thing - what is coming out now is Blizzard. This isn’t a problem that cropped up only recently. It predates the Activision merger. There is no getting the “real” Blizzard of yesteryear back, for this is the real Blizzard.


A lot of it was the WoW team in Irvine. One incident at least was at their Austin office.

I get what this is saying. That the reaction to the news being from some that the next patch will be delayed. Instead of about people who were treated terribly, which may have lead to one woman’s death.

It’s likely in response to some posts on Twitter.


This is another shining example of what a cesspool Twitter really is as a social media platform.


Blizzard hotfix that NPC cause of those signs or Horde killing him over and over while Alliance stood by and did nothing…now if you try to get close too that NPC he fades out, that in itself is just wrong…


Daniel Truett Cathy supports conservative Christian causes, like opposition to same-sex marriage.
Daniel Truett Cathy is the CEO of Chick-fil-A.

  1. You can boycott Chick-fil-A because you don’t support Daniel Truett Cathy.
  2. You can support Christian causes, like opposition to same-sex marriage and eat at Chick-fil-A because of that.
  3. You can support causes like same-sex marriage or not but judge Chick-fil-A only on its food and services believing that to be a separate issue.

If you are the type of person who would choose 3 then you are the type of person who would make their comments about the next patch being delayed while assuming that the accusations in the law suit were being addressed via the courts.

That is not how I took that. My understanding is that he is saying if all you care about is how that will impact game development you are part of the problem because you have no empathy.


Completely agree! Any and all alliance NPC’s should be killable by members of the Horde, regardless of race, sex, creed or name. Otherwise, that’s discrimination. Stacking discrimination on top of belittling the complaints of sexual harassment of women that work(ed) for ActiBlizz doesn’t look very good. Might be best just to change the NPC’s name, or remove him from the game entirely. I vote for changing him to a female NPC with a different name, perhaps there are some suggestions for a name . . .

Semper Fi! :us:

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Honestly, what Alex did was awful but with the high level of violence being experienced in the US right now, having him killable in-game could lead some nutjob to thinking its okay irl. Best if they just remove him altogether.

Semper Fi back from a Marine Mom…

Oorah! Retired here.

Semper Fi! :us:

Disabled out of the US Navy…

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Another one bites the dust, at this rate its gonna be only Nobbel87 and Preach Gaming

- I like what you’re saying!
<Reads most of the second sentence - What dangerous nonsense is this??
<Reads final part of second sentence - Hahaha! Good one!

Who dis?

Gonna run out of pitch forks at this rate.

And i thought civilization had grown beyond this low way of thinking.

Court hadn’t been in session yet.

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Not Semper Fi, perhaps mihi ignosce pater nam peccavi?

(yes I know it is just a sig not a suggestion for a name, but an old Army ground pounder can’t resist mocking a jar head)

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That is why the effort that is there in the video game is not going to be worth anything, that what is there in what is happening in the scandal.

Besides, if your insists well for the horde, because that NPC has quests, you would add even in Retail, TBC and in the Classic and the harmed would be the alliance because the tendency to Cancel Culture is so inept that they do not know who is actually hurting in instead of harming the real guilty.

another that is putting more salt to the wound.

Cancel Culture can go to you know where in my book.

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How am I putting salt on the wound?

And if you had read the posts correctly you would see that I have clearly in multiple posts indicated that I would only do so within the FMLA guidelines. Parents are protected for 90 days. If you intend to leave for longer then that period (and in every post I’ve written I have said 6 months, knowingly doubling that time.)

Let me ask you then what is the appropriate cut off? Should we promote someone who knowingly will take off for 18 years and tells you this during early pregnancy? There is a point at which it is no longer considered discrimination. And if a woman intends to leave for longer then the leagly protected time then yes I can and will divert training.

If you have a problem with that well… I wouldn’t want you in the work place in the first place as you obviously couldn’t care less about how it effects co workers and production.

This all on top of the fact that there are usually a number of eligible candidates competing for the position. If any of them can show how they are more qualified at all then this doesn’t become a problem at all.

Lets look at a specific case. Two woman are equally qualified for supervisor position. Woman A is pregnant and intends to leave for 6 months. If I promote Woman B I have to train a single person and she takes on the role till she leaves the company or does something that requires demotion.

If I promote woman A I still have to train both, as woman B will have to be a temporary supervisor, this means doubling the amount of people that are not actively producing parts as well as doubling the amount of time invested by the trainer. Furthermore when woman B gets demoted back to a non supervisor position there will be problems because of resentment and the feelings that they were already doing the position, even if thats not the case in most instances a supervisor becoming crew again leads to arguments over how to handle problems. Either way that will result in HR visits and needing to force someone into switching shifts.

You are acting like I’m some evil man when its I have empathy for the crew, want to see the company succeed and wish to increase profits as that gets everyone under me raises (unfortunately I don’t get raises and so therefore don’t benefit directly.) We simply have to very opposing focuses.

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