Activision Blizzard sued by California. This is bad

Believe what you want. My employer is amazing and I love working for them. The atmosphere is fantastic, there’s no drama (outside of very stressful/busy moments). Is it so hard for you to believe that an employer can truly care about their employees and treat them exceptionally well and in exchange we do the same?

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It’s silly to go above beyond for a company. No matter how “nice” they seem. Work is not your life.

Sounds like a regular emploayer that’s not from the U.S. it’s cool you are happy and have a nice place. Just don’t overwork yourself and keep an eye in that stress. Of course your employer knews you are more productive for the companie if the work enviroment is good. I guess you work long (regular U.S. hours). That’s simply benefitial for them. So it’s the last from them to be nice.

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Lots of good places like this. People who treat their employees like crap wonder why they can’t keep anybody. The answer is THEY CAN GET BETTER PAY AND BETTER TREATMENT.


You seem to have a pretty jaded view and that’s unfortunate. Going above and beyond doesn’t mean working like a whipped donkey. There are good employers out there, you just have to find them.


Aren’t they trying to currently recall their own leadership?

I mean - not a lot of faith in that government if you ask me.


It doesn’t really mean much, whenever recalls are possible there will be a small minority who attempt to use recalls to overturn the majority decision. Colorado allows recalls and has multiple recalls every year (against Dems, who could guess).

You’re supposed to give it all to the mega rich donors while you let every part of the state rot.

The robust red state economies are what is carrying us forward (on spreading delta.)


As a female gamer who has played wow over a decade, I want to know what steps Blizzard is going to do to

  1. make amend to former female employees
  2. handle those who participated, encouraged, and allowed this behavior
  3. What policy or steps are going to be implemented to ensure this does not happen again and to increase the hiring of women at Blizzard
  4. Issue a formal apology for this behavior
    This is unacceptable and disappointing. The lack of support for mother’s the lack of respect for women. The hostile and toxic environment where discussions physically assaulting women was casual conversation. This is never ok. We are sisters, daughters, mothers, wives, friends - think about if this happened to you or a family member.

Hello Saria, what color is that, if I might ask?

This is just a reminder that AB is looking more and more guilty as the days pass.

You’re acting like a stereotype at this point.

Me too, for all of it (except for being a PoC).

This news coming out of Blizzard is disturbing and heartbreaking. I don’t see how the community could ever forgive them unless they buff all enhancement shaman combat abilities by at least 20%.

Please Blizzard, do the right thing.

LOL BLIZZTRD is dawgsheett

The original statement: “women dont want any part of that equality.” That statement is what I disputed. In other words, since women weren’t in decision-making positions very often, those responsible for the decisions that favored women were more likely the same men that were keeping women out of the leadership, judicial, etc… positions that created that reality rather than women who didn’t want it.


Bumping for support.

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Black/Puerto Rican.

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Maybe I’m late because I just activated my subs in WoW so I can also comment on the forum, but I was eager to participate in this controversy that does not look good for Blizzard games.

Look, that’s is happening is a serious thread. I am not here to support those responsible and worse on a suicide case, but here something is wrong with the complaint.

Since these threads about harassment scandals in a video game company are being seen on chain, I do not know what intolerance would be in a group of executives and their friendship regardless of gender.

As it was in the case of Riot games and Ubisoft years ago, but as I said, until I know what is more about the case about the defendants and the victims, I did not come to support those responsible for such a crime in USA companies.

Apart from the documents issued on the internet on certain websites by the lawyers who followed the case for 2 years and seeing that it was around 2008 I saw it ridiculous that they compared with what happened with Cosby, which I did not see very professional at your work.

It seems to me that in the end those who are receiving the blame are the same games, the company itself (which seems to be the fault of everything more Activision than Blizzard) and others responsible who we hope are not guilty about this atrocity since deep down they affirmed that were hidden as fraternities in 2008 if I remember more about those documents and the news they presented on websites like WoWhead himself.

That is why I fear that it affects more the integrity of the game itself than for the responsibility of the company and the well-being of the victims who were affected by this crime, that is why I say that as Gamers we do not get involved in this criminal conflict and we pray that Do not negatively help the video game such the case that it was with Alex Afrasiabi’s NPC in Storwind that there is no use taking revenge by killing him or pointing at him knowing that he is a reference and is not the real responsible for this scandal.

Now they even attempt to project the problem onto paying customers.


When you don’t treat your customers with respect then your interactions with your own team members isn’t going to be positive either.


BlizZard wake up from your slumber.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: