Activision Blizzard sued by California. This is bad

People defending blizzard and “asking for evidence” here are disgusting. As if the state of California after 2 years of not compliance from Blizzard and such a long investigation would sue just for fun. Grow up.

Uhm woke people know this and no, black people, or gay people etc. are not “forced diversity muh”.
Everyone knows companies aren’t woke, especially not with Blizzards record lamo.

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Then be quiet and let the law and justice do it’s thing. If they did wrong it will be brought out in court. This is a legal issue and should be treated like it.


I hate that people are like “this is a she said this” kind of thing. no this is an investigation that had gone on for 2 years by the state of California. There is a good reason why this is happening not just because someone said something. I really hope that the victims of all of this are ok and I hope that the people who participated in this disgusting behavior are fired and are charged not just the company.


This is why it’s up to us to stop supporting Blizzard with our subs and cash. Financial chokehold really has a way of shaking up a company’s culture, especially when they are well-aware why it’s happening.


Remember, it’s not about actual justice; it’s about ‘perceived justice’.

It baffles me that this is still an issue. The place I work for provides a lactation suite, it has its own bathroom, wardrobe to hang a change of clothes, kitchenette with sink and fridge for storage of pumped milk, sofa and coffee table, a TV, magazines, bottled water and snacks. It’s off limits to any one else. My employer provides 2 blocks of 30 mins to be used when needed each day in addition to your normal break time.


I agree when it comes to a criminal trial which this is not .

This is a civil trial and what will be decided is not guilt or innocence but whether or not Blizz will have to pay restitution to the state and possibly the victims of the harassment money for violations and if so how much .

If there are criminal charges that or those will be separate cases and even if people are found innocent in those ,Blizz can still be financially sued .

Oh and if you think a person can’t be sued after being acquitted in a criminal trial , I give you O.J . In spite of the not guilty verdict he was still sued and lost.


Good. Why should Californians pay for you to visit that hellhole? Right.

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Is this in America? I’ve had multiple supervisors (some female) ask me if a restroom was acceptable before seeing my horrified face and quickly pivoting :mask::nauseated_face:


To give a small random sampling of some large businesses left in California they have;
Apple, Alphabet, Chevron, Wells Fargo, Facebook, Clorox, Safeway, Logitech, Silicon Graphics, International Corp., Autodesk, Gap, Visa, Charles Schwab, Dolby Laboratories, Oracle, Shutterfly, Hewlett-Packard, Netgear, Intel, Google, Coherent, Netflix, SanDisk, LSI, Intuit, eBay, Cisco Systems, NVIDIA, Advanced Micro Devices, Adobe Systems, Amgen, Teledyne Technologies, Diamond Foods, Hot Topic, Walt Disney, Northrop Grumman, DreamWorks Animation SKG, Mattel, Dole Food, Guess?, Occidental Petroleum, Cheesecake Factory, Skechers USA, Kaiser Aluminum, Allergan, QLogic, Western Digital, WD-40, … .

We are doing fine here in New York, and I don’t normally cheer for our competition, but California is still the biggest economy of any state followed by Texas then us (NY).

Although in GDP growth (2019 numbers because 2020 was screwy) California only grew by 2.7% compared to New York’s 3.8% and West Virginia’s winning 5.2%; even Alabama had positive growth that year, at 2.7%.

The 2020 growth numbers, such as they were, were negative everywhere, California -2.8, Florida – 2.9, Texas -3.5 and New York a whopping -5.9%.

Honestly, people of all kinds in this world. I can bet some of the most deplorable is even in your raid groups or on your friend’s list.

Just another sign this is no longer the company id want to say I’m associated with, or near.

Just a shadow of what they used to be.

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Not going to lie, there is a reason why Florida is a S$$#hole. To many retrumplicans,


Yes, in the U.S. My employer was serious when they said they value their staff and treat them like family. It wasn’t just bs to get people in the door. They go above and beyond for us and as a result we do the same for them.


You’re cute except i didnt say or do a damn thing except that i wasnt surprised so now pls sush

Oh you silly

pride goes before the fall.

This won’t age well if they are stated to be innocent.

Just a huge fyi. A sit in will do nothing. If people really want Blizzard to hear their voices. Unsubscribe from Blizzard, stop paying them money and stop buying game tokens to use for game time because you’re still supporting them.

Want to stop supporting something STOP GOING TO THE PLACE, STOP BUYING FROM THEM. Pretty danged simple. Blizzard would get it when they have to explain to the share holders why they can no longer support the game due to such a huge loss in money and at the market. Hit them in the pocket book instead. Use your brains.


Clearly you didn’t grow up dirt poor and have some school days where you didn’t get to eat lunch.

Right. That’s why people are moving TO Florida, not OUT of it.

Nice try tho.

In what sense is the word “silly” used here? “Do you have yet to find out that your employer is bad” or “You don’t see the obvious things”?

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As a women of color in the work force, and as someone who always put Blizz on a pedestal when it comes to quality of their games this hits me pretty hard.

Their official statement (And some of the “California lolz” comments) on the whole thing sickness me to no end.