I’m talking about the Constitutional Amendment that went to the states for ratification that simply stated that women had the same rights under the law as men. Not a narrow law requiring women to register for the draft in spite of the fact that they do not have that guarantee under the Constitution. It was 100% the same right wing religious political set who fought a long and well-funded fight to prevent ratification. Phyllis Schlafly led the fight but it was a full court press by the right.
The full text of the amendment was:
“Equality of rights under the law shall not be abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.”
I really do think that there are paid shills on these forums, or maybe even devs themselves posting on alts. Some of the stuff I’ve read since yesterday is just unbelievable. There’s always been denial, L2P, and ‘you’re just whining’ from trolls, but this was something else.
That would be the Alice Paul Amendment for the 70’s. Which was 50 years ago. Women then had a reason to fight for equality. Not saying they arent any issues today but, they want all the good and none of the bad. Like I already mentioned. Women get shorter prison sentences then men for the same crime. Women dont have to sign up for selective services, women can decide to abort a baby because they dont want it leaving many men who would gladly choose to keep it. But if a woman choose to keep it, a man is on the hook for child support even if he gives up his rights. Men have their license taken and face prison sentences for failing to pay child support, and generally get called deadbeats because they pay 50% of there take home pay to see there kid/s every other weekend while struggling to survive. But if it’s a woman that fails the court system does nothing to them. The list goes on and on and on. But women dont want any part of that equality.
It’s still discrimination against women, which is illegal. Also the average maternity leave is 6 weeks. A lot of women don’t even take that long. Let’s not also forget that most states have paternity leave for the fathers and men are just as likely to leave work early or take extra time off relating to their families.
To imply women are not as capable of balancing a career and family life as a man is is sexist and all kinds of wrong. Women are proving you wrong all over the world.
For those of you who missed Dante’s earlier post, he also said if a woman in his employ becomes pregnant he no longer allows them training opportunities or avenues for promotion within the company.
You sir are a dirt bag and one day karma will bite you in the …
The way people are defending Blizzard despite there being a state governmental agency involved after a 2 year investigation is really disturbing… and this is saying nothing about the fact that a woman commit suicide from the level of sexual harassment present.
Certainly, I’m horrified by the fact that Blizzard is doing these things (sadly, I am not really shocked, just disgusted by it), but the fact that the community actively defends these actions, even as a “well, it might not be proven yet” argument is really disturbing.
It doesn’t matter if “it hasn’t been proven yet.” The people who did nothing won’t get fired and no one wants the people who had no part in this to suffer, assuming otherwise is ridiculous. There is no reason why people should defend this kind of action, and yet we have plenty in this thread doing just that.
Things like this are why this community is called “toxic”, and it’s a genuine label that’s rightfully deserved in this case. This is absolutely deplorable. Even if the allegations were false (they aren’t and won’t be, and people are insane if they think otherwise given the allegations and a women literally committing suicide over it), the actions themselves shouldn’t be ignored or taken lightly.
While I have little hope the World of Warcraft playerbase will improve at all over this horrible situation, I hope at least that Blizzard takes it seriously and fires the employees that encouraged or participated in this.
Sadly, I am skeptical that anything will change… unless their hand is forced. So, that is what I’m personally hoping for in this case. If Blizzard won’t make changes on their own, that someone will force them to, because that’s what it is going to take for it to happen.
The state of California is very liberal and so is Blizzard when it comes to terms with everything when it comes to people’s feelings. Also, the state is broke beyond broke for blowing money on stupid programs, so they will sue anyone and anything they can or tax it just to make a buck. So, it doesn’t surprise me that they are going after Blizzard one of the last few large businesses left in California that has yet to leave to some other state.
Im sorry. I have no clue what point u talking about right now there been so many messages.
Second im quite sure it isnt baseless acusation cause The video games industry if full of sexual harasment of both kind. Its just a matter of fact before people realised it. Blizzard aint the first one and wont be the last
Only applies to legal liability, not whether individual people are allowed to look at the state’s case and what current and former employees are saying and form an opinion on its validity.
Not really, I’ve seen it literally hundreds of times in the past. Nowadays however, the courts are getting to be a little more equal, you see many more men than in the past getting custody of their children and the women having to pay child support(and yes, now women suffer the same penalties as men in that regard most of the time). Or in some states when both parents are deemed fit, Florida comes to mind, joint custody is awarded with no child support because each parent gets their children(child) every other week.
Previously, women were the undisputed champions of being awarded child custody and child support, but that is slowly changing. There is still a long way to go before men are equal to women in practice as well as under the law in child custody and child support cases, but things are slowly changing towards equality in the courts for men in custody and child support cases.
Provide me a link of the court jury saying their guilty, or it is a baseless claim. Otherwise your no better then people picking up pitch-forks and want to hang an innocent man from a rumor that was spread about.
Serial harassment is against the law. Legal accusations should be looked at via court on guilt or not, based on evidence provided. All you guys have is some random media outlets looking for a quick way to earn a buck on a accusation that us common in American culture.