Oh I’m sorry… did you think I was defending Blizzard. LOL. For a researcher of a university… you don’t do much research before shooting off your mouth. I simply corrected someone stating that false sexual assault claims are so statistically low that they are virtually nonexistent…
All you have done is made the claim that the 2-10% statement is false…
and link a article pertaining to one of the text book cases of a “victim” making false statements, a DA running with those statements, the “Victim” refuting her own statements, and the DA continuing to run with the original statements and making claims to evidence that didn’t exist. Nifong was more concerned with fame and celebrity status than actual justice. Sidenote: the victim in that case… later went on to spend time in prison for the murder of her boyfriend.
Careful… you’ll be called names.
Apparently false accusations just don’t exist in the some of these people’s worlds.
Man… I guess everyone in prison is there because they actually did what they are accused of… even thou evidence presented later exonerated them.
My advice… the stock value appears to be closing at only a 70 cent loss today. The initial drop was expected in the morning and it popped back up some. I wouldn’t buy… and I don’t know if your stock will be sold at a loss or a gain for you. You need to decide.
Educate? All you have done is deny fact… with… stolen citations from a wiki page… get out of here child.
Stolen citations that you didn’t even bother to read obviously. None of them refute the fact that 2-10% of sexual assault claims are classified as False.
Nope. I was making a statement based off of what came to mind by another persons’ post.
That thought that came to mind was the OJ Simpson trial (to a limited extent) in the 1990s as well as the McMartin daycare case (to a larger extent) during that time.
What I meant when I wrote that was that that was when I noticed that case info was coming out ahead of trial, esp. in the McMartin case, which was swaying public opinion.
I hadn’t seen that to that extent before.
That’s what I meant by my statement “court of public opinion”.
It had nothing to do with how you or anyone spends their money or what you believe to be true or not.
I’m not invested in this issue with Blizzard or the people involved.
I am interested in how it is that things can get so crazy and out of whack, like a train wreck in process and there’s not a damn thing you can do to stop it or fix it.
All you can do is watch as things get even crazier.
The rest of your interpretation came from you. Not from what I said nor what I meant. Have a g’day.
I agree 100% with you. It is as if the real Attorney or Public Relations firm was on vacation and they let the interns write the response. Because, it is terrible, especially the line “The picture the DFEH paints is not the Blizzard workplace of today”. It makes it sounds like the picture the DFEH paints was the Blizzard at the time of the complaint.
The facts will come out in a court of law, and I am withholding judgment until that time.
It is a shame that the communities’ response, in an attempt to stick-it-Blizzard, will only hurt innocent employees (both Men and Women) who had nothing whatsoever to do with the allegations.
Ok, it is a great sounding line but it is wrong and consequences to a rush to judgment affect real people, with real lives and real families. This is real life, not game.
OJ’s a terrible example, because he was definitely the murderer but racism and poor evidence collection (this was the early days of DNA evidence) combined with a lawyer successfully inducing doubt about even fingerprint evidence in the jury. The glove thing was just stupid, any parent who’s tried to get gloves on a recalcitrant toddler knows that hands can be contorted to ensure no glove can fit.
Where in a court filing after a lengthy investigation is the ‘court of public opinion’ getting crazy and out of whack? What’s getting crazier? Nothing has come out ahead of trial except what was publicly submitted to the court.
It’s a line that has takes it’s history from the real life Inquisition that happened in Europe.
Where people were systematically slaughtered due to whatever excuse the Inquisition used for the day.
And you are right… it is wrong to assume people are guilty just because someone claims they are. But you explain that to the frothing masses on both sides that don’t care about justice, they just care about their perception of innocence and guilt.
Anyone with arthritis trying to put a glove on swollen hands can say that a tight glove just doesn’t fit.
I’m not too sure that I agree that the Defense won that case… a bungling prosecution relying on their star witness, Furman, and sitting there while Furman sunk their own case by using "slurs’ in reference to Simpson.
The DNA… wasn’t there something during that trial about the police, admitting on the stand, that the blood sample was put into the truck?
Do I think he did the crime… probably… their is motive and a flimsy alibi.
Do I think he acted alone? No…
Odd fact… Mark Furman popped up again about 10+ years ago pertaining to the DC Sniper Case.
Definitely not all the blood in the truck, not when he’d taken the dome light off and tucked it under the seat (exactly like he’d just practiced over and over in the movie where he played a hitman) and left blood trying to dig it back out again. That’s one thing the movie didn’t prepare him for, how much blood there would be and how it gets everywhere.
I can’t look it up I just remember there was something about the police mishandling or botching the Blood sample collection in such a way that Cochran shredded their expert on the stand.
I think the only thing that sticks out in my mind around that whole thing was the Dancing Ito nonsense. Apparently my sense of humor was broken at the time because I didn’t find it cute… nor funny.
I appreciate the civil discussion in the middle of this Warzone.