Very well said. I’d say that PR should get on damage control ASAP, but I’m under the impression that they’re the ones who wrote this statement trying to do just that. In this case, I think that PR should stop damage control ASAP.
These allegations are no joke. They are very serious. There has to be some kind of probable cause to get to this point. We have court systems for a reason. They do a good job and correct decisions in 99% of cases. Lets wait and see what happens here. Myself and the public at large do not know all the information. Lets get to the truth what ever that may be. That is all we can ask for
I almost wanted to disagree with you… but then yeah… them saying nothing would be a lot better than the questionable language and word choice used in that release.
I would fire whoever wrote that and approved that statement.
I’m not in any way condoning any of these behaviors but I would like to allow the justice system to run its course before I grab the pitchfork.
For example Vic Mignogna, Quinton Flynn, possibly swifty(?).
If someone drove a girl to suicide I hope they get what’s coming to them though. No one should be made to feel unsafe or harassed.
Ummm… who is Bill Crosby?
They’re absolutely shameless. I honestly used to think some of these people were just trolling against all the people complaining about the game (one pandaren woman in particular) but seeing them out in force today denying, downplaying, deflecting these iron-clad accusations (in addition to the formal complaint by the state which is very rare, there are tons of documented former employees on Twitter saying they were harassed, they saw it, it’s true, etc) just convinces me that there’s something wrong with these people. Either they’re not really genuine or they’re just awful people.
good they should be sued for sharing some poor woman’s (who was dead) nudes. Glad my sub is gone come 30 days…
No wonder the game is going down the drain, They are too busy being gamer incel dude bros and creeping on the female employees.
Fire every single one and get some fresh talent in there who can respect others.
Like what? Is having multiple employees and past employees confirming the allegations not enough for you? Were they supposed to film everything that happened to them? Just say you don’t want to unsub and go, no need to make excuses for abuse in order to justify playing a video game.
Nope, nope, and I won’t unsub either way. Never would have. Not hiding that at all
He can start with himeself
If they had been testing the game for bugs to fix…
Don’t know what idiots reported this guy’s response, was perfectly within reason. I agree, I’m honestly just standing by until there’s more information, because anyone can and will say anything, what’s important is critical thinking and being skeptical of both the accuser and the accused until enough evidence (or lack thereof) is provided. People, please don’t let emotions make you stupid.
Innocent until proven guilty. Gonna have to mute all these damn spam threads. Jfc
I think some people are just angry and don’t know how to channel their emotions.
Blizzard isn’t going to listen and reply to them so they are chosing to direct their feelings at those who aren’t just as outraged as they are.
Err, I agree with you except for “They do a good job and correct decisions in 99% of cases.”
Really wish it were true, but… It’s notorious for not being true XD
Excellent post and thank you for taking the time to draft this. I agree that it was an absolutely terrible response - the stuff about “state bureaucrats” was mind-blowing.
While I don’t 100% disagree I do have one bit of food for thought.
History repeats itself. How many endless cases have been come to light and been proven in the last set of years? Especially in male dominated industries (which gaming certainly is).
Secondly power corrupts. Higher ups abuse power all the time. Men or women. Now if you look at Blizzard and you see 90% of the higher ups are men? I’d tend to believe the abused.
Lastly, this is has been initiated after a 2 year investigation. Blizzard basically admitted in their press statement that they’ve been trying to do things better since the investigation started. That doesn’t absolve them of what happened before. Like quitely having the one guy leave?! It’s also extremely likely that they did too little too late.
All in all, I think people are well in their right to give credence with the abused and be upset with Blizzard.
I like how Blizzard has the balls to sit on their high horse, and ruin Quinton Flynn’s life, yet they turn around and do this in the background?
Actually disgusting. I hate hypocrites so ****ing much.
Are you going to remove Afrasiabi’s items and characters from the game, Blizzard? Probably not.
"Long may you reign over your empire of ash."
I did not say people shouldn’t give credence to anything or be skeptical, quite the contrary. I simply believe people need to be patient before they instantly decide 100% of everything bad said is completely true.
Do not immediately take a side based on their low numbers in comparison, do it based on actual evidence.