Activision Blizzard sued by California. This is bad

something aint right here, Willis.
You say you are a supervisor yet if this is actually a law youve never heard about it?
My supervisors would have been preaching applicable laws to us from their pulpits…and generally did just that…especially something this blatant.

I have to assume one of two things…you aint a supervisor…or this aint an actual law.
Maybe a third…maybe both are true and you just dont do a good job at knowing employee rights who are under you.?


Once again, the Allegations-Media alliance proving it’ll be the top weapon in the next World War.


that is criminal law - this is civil

Hey guys remember those layoffs not that long ago?

The lawsuit states that employees who reported harassment were retaliated against, including being selected for layoffs.

So scummy.


Amazing how many lawyers we have in this thread. I’m learning so much!

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Company culture this engrained takes years to happen. This most likely isnt new and existed/developed back in the Old Guard days. Alex is a prime example of this. Acti-Blizz needs to wholesale purge its corporate leadership now.

J. Allen Brack also being named in the court document means he immediately needs to go.

However, dont let Brack and Alex just be the fall guys for this widescale thing. Multiple people need to be given a box to pack their stuff into.


they usually only fall for that on twitter

Hey speaking of people quitting and stuff. I always heard you should use the “why are you canceling your sub” question to write blizzard how they should improve the game.

Lol. I was thinking recently, why should i do that? Give them free information, free data, ideas and more to improve their billion dollar company and IPs? Pay me for ideas. I encourage others to do the same actually.

I like to do similar things with google, when they try to make you take a survery and it says something like “Have you seen an ad for pringles recently?” it’s always fun to put something like, i dont know what pringles are. as a little way to fight the system.
Now some nerd is looking at a spread sheet in some office somewhere with a vote that says “i dont know what that is”.

It’s very funny. Never willing give ideas or information to companies. Not even the ones you work for.

Innocent until proven guilty is the law. The closest thing to an exception is an out of court settlement.

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Nothing that drastic, I don’t think. Maybe some minor firings, maybe some forced resignations. In an ideal scenario, the best-case scenario would be what you’re describing. The worst-case would be Chapter 11 bankruptcy. But this is America. We don’t believe in ideal scenarios. Not even in “librul” California.

They do need to. They won’t, but they do need to.


Dang… Girl took her own life, how sad. Really unfortunate news. It’s also unfortunate that this isn’t new in the cooperate world. People can be pigs.

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Are you a supervisor at like a walmart or something cause you real dumb son.

No offense to actual supervisors at Walmart tho’.


And yet people will still support Blizzard :thinking:

Hey, whats a cube crawl btw? I have a real job so i’m not sure what that is.

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What will happen is just Brack, Alex, and a couple of other people will be fall guys and culture wont change.

all legal mumbo jumbo.
The guilty ARE guilty before a jury ever speaks.

you literally are talking about prosecution and using criminal standard of proof.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Blizz North split off partly because they got sick of working with gamer bros who never had to grow up. That ish is just awful to work with.


In the court of public opinion, where profits are directly affected, Guilty until Proven Innocent is the Law.


Alex is already gone. And yes, Brack should go too. But he won’t.