“OJ is innocent TIL hes proven guilty”
Dude…thats the LEGAL aspect of it. It doesnt DETERMINE if OJ committed the crime or not. The jury is literally giving an OPINION based on evidence. They werent there to witness anything. lol.
so no…a man is NOT innocent till proven guilty.
He IS either innocent or guilty from the start.
And the law either brings justice or it doesnt based on a juries interpretation of evidence.
like I said…thats happened a billion times and means absolutely nothing.
FEW admit guilt UNTIL they are FORCED to.
Has blizzard ever admitted they were outright wrong even once? I can’t think of a single example it’s always been “la la la if we act like we can’t hear you it means we didn’t do anything wrong”
I am a supervisor and I’ve worked many many different places. Not once has there ever been a breast feeding room. Apparently my wife knows of two one at a call center and one that was installed last month at a shoe company.
And while its a federal law (something I’ve never heard about previously) I can’t really see it enforced in this area as woman are pretty much forced to take off while having an infant as daycare will not accept them. Unless they have family that can watch their infants.
But being a law doesn’t mean that its not stupid or a missive drain on the company by requiring floor space to something that is so little used.
Unfortunately, you’re probably right. I would at least begin to have a little respect if they took responsibility and put all their considerable resources towards making it right.
What has been happening at Blizzard is gross and unacceptable.
While I’m not going to quit completely I’m going to cancel my subscriptions and send scolding that way and stop paying for a vast majority of my accounts.
Activision Blizzard needs to clean house from the top down.
The people who harassed the lady who ended her own life need to be held criminally responsible.
Im still waiting for Ion and company to admit they were wrong and revert the idiotic and quite pointless Loot-a-rang change, lmao.
Im guessing this company as a whole is just arrogant enough to think they will win out on this one, lol
The “Red Shirt Guy”. The fact-checker from BlizzCon eons ago.
The fact that they released a categorical denial and accused the DFEH of falsehood means they’ve been caught red-handed, so they’re relying on the concept of “lie often enough until it becomes the truth”.
The biggest problem with scenarios like this is that following legal principle is not followed:
The presumption of innocenceis a legal principle that every person accused of any crime is considered innocent until proven guilty. Under the presumption of innocence, the legal burden of proof is thus on the prosecution, which must present compelling evidence to the trier of fact (a judge or a jury). If the prosecution does not prove the charges true, then the person is acquitted of the charges. The prosecution must in most cases prove that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If reasonable doubt remains, the accused must be acquitted.
While if found guilty, they should be penalized, all to often in situations like this guilt is assumed as soon as allegations are made. Just watch the news or scroll through these threads. Of course, there could be a lot of closet-Cardassians out there too lol.