Not surprising. The companies that engage in the most woke virtue signalling tend to be hiding the worst behaviour.
Yes, I know it’s only alleged behaviour, but this complaint is from a 2 year investigation by a government agency, not just some random person saying someone did something.
If true and found guilty in a court of law, then Activision has a lot of cleaning out and financial compensating to do.
But do not forget, innocent until found guilty in a court of law. Just because Cali AG is bringing charges against Activision does not automatically mean guilty, it has to be proved in court.
Also adding it looks like the state tried to settle with Blizzard multiple times (according to court documents), and Blizzard turned it down. The fact that the state of California is still pursuing after that and is willing to go to court means even more that they think they can win this.
Well to be fair California is hurting for money and not doing to well in the budgeting department plus their having a hard time keeping people from leaving their state, FYI.
They will. It either gets settled out of court or in court. The AG doesn’t take a two year investigation to court if they have doubt of winning. It’s their job literally on the line. If they don’t win, they don’t have a job. And after two years, they have plenty of evidence.
I work in my county Clerk of Courts in a major city. I know how these things go.
Inb4 “lol lying about your job,” I know more than you. This isn’t a fresh case like Flynn’s was.
Get over it and move on. The more you post, the worse you sound.
Allegations that were still substantiated after a 2 year state investigation. It seems pretty legit and is representative of a lot of the culture in this industry.
If you check out reviews of working at the company you can see some people saying things a while ago that reflect what the article linked in ops post may be true. I am curious to see what happens with this and am disappointed.
was it you that originally had Afrasiabi in there - based on the response it must have been. When I saw that I thought omg, that guy. And now I see this in there. That type of behavior was all over that guy.
Well, what do you believe? Place your bet. True or false? Do you believe that Activision does not foster a frat boy culture & that female employees within their gaming company don’t face discrimination & harassment? Or do you think it’s more likely that a 2-year investigation resulting in a lawsuit by the state actually has merit. Boy, decision, decisions…
It does not claim i believe the story is true. What it does is imply that I find it more likely to be true than false. Which would fix the problem the man i was commenting to was facing. All of his comments implied he thought the myriad charges in the complaint were false but needed evidence either way.
Regardless of which way you say it, the point is both of us made statements to the effect of “it is possible this happened or it is possible this did not happen.” The problem is acting like the default response to women claiming harassment should be to dismiss the claims until evidence is brought up, is what is causing problems in this thread.