Activision Blizzard sued by California. This is bad

I have considered it.
Will wait to see if they come forward with enough to prove it until I say they’re right


After all is said and done, they really need to clean some house and give a big boot to those that were contributing to this hostile work environment and do better to not let that happen. People don’t deserve to work under such hostile conditions, male or female.

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The Cali AG spent two years investigating this. How much more time do you need?


Listen, i suggest you don’t go much further with this. I agree with your points here. But this is one of those people who when unsure expects the conspiracy. A lot of people think like that and you won’t change his habits. The important thing is he supports an investigation and punishing criminals. Let’s just let his … delivery stand.

“Ah yes, I see you know your judo well”.

Then you’re a moron. You crossed your arms, crowing about how there’s no evidence. Well, are you part of the lawsuit? If not, you’re not in a position to cast doubt on the existence of evidence. In fact, what I and others have pointed out here is that a 2-year investigation is going to very likely produce the very thing you suggest is lacking: proof. All of this occurring within a social context known to be male dominated and generally hostile toward women, but hey, you’re all like “lol, where’s da proof?” Spare us your white knighting.


Why don’t people ever read? These are allegations and anyone can say anything. Until it is proven in a court of law, I’ll reserve judgment.

However, these corporations created this woke environment for themselves and now paying the price for it but if allegations are true then they deserve scrutinization and need to clean house.

To many time have we seen cases like this that end up being someone crying wolf, just saying.


After the pure evil degenerate dumpster fire that was the most recent Banjo Kazooie I would imagine that no actual passionate souls are left in that secular pit of despair.

i am so glad i unsubbed and uninstalled.

this scummy company doesnt deserve a cent


The state of California has already come forward with evidence, they’re required to do so in order to bring charges against Blizzard. The evidence is summed up nicely in the article if you don’t want to read through boring court documents, but if that isn’t good enough for you, this is publicly available information that someone already linked in this thread.

You keep saying “where is the evidence”, it’s right there. Why is that not considered “evidence” to you?


Oh boy, you said the magic words

Very true, but when a California state did a two-year investigation on this and decided to bring charges they think they can win this and they’re not bringing hearsay to court


States don’t spend two years investigating false claims. States don’t do lawsuits they know they can’t win.


“Why don’t people ever read…”

Said by the person who didn’t read.

Because if you had, you’d note this was a 2 year investigation done by the state of California. They wouldn’t be bothering with this if they didn’t think there was any truth to it.


And if they don’t win?


Not just “allegations.” They’re findings of a 2-year investigation headed up by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing.

When state agencies start getting involved, things are getting serious.


Well if its not hearsay then it’ll be proven in a court of law, until then its still allegations and nothing more.


The agency alleges male employees play video games during the workday while delegating responsibilities to female employees.

Well now we know why the game sucks.


this is a big contrast from “let’s take out this B word from the cinematic, ppl could get offended”


Well at least we know that they do play the game now :rofl:

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