Activision Blizzard sued by California. This is bad

The only time I was ever sexually assaulted in my life, it was a woman. I’ve had men get a little scary a few times with the aggression, but the only time anyone ever violated my person, it was a woman I worked with who came into my office and grabbed me inappropriately.

I 100% believe this, Rah.

Okay, what do you think the agenda is then? I’ve asked you multiple times now.

And yes, they did look into why the women were fired, that is the 2 year investigation.


No company in its right mind would talk about this untill after the lawsuit… And then it’s nill if they do that

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a few employees. even one is too many. this is despicable and you’re defending sexual harrassment


Not even being gross.
Just asking for proof before I make an opinion.

Oh no, how awful of me to not condemn based off the word of someone I’ve never met


Ehh I wouldn’t take it that far. Assuming the employees that leave in Blizz in the future don’t actually have charges brought against them they will probably be employable elsewhere. Even if the charges don’t lead to punishment it’ll be official charges that hurt people’s resume. Assuming the employers out on the west coast have similar interview and background processes as the places on the east coast i have seen.

  1. RARE
  2. EA
  3. Tie. Activision-Blizzard / 343 Halo team.

Yeah… NO. I’m saying accusations do not reality make. It could be true and it could not be true.

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I dont know, I don’t know these people.
Maybe it’s to appease people on the left.
Maybe it’s people who are on the left.

And there maybe have been an investigation that happened over 2 years, but if they looked in for 30 minutes on 1 day, and another 30 minutes 2 years later, that also counts as a 2 year investigation. So I also need to know the details of how those 2 years were spent


The “Soon” is speculative.

Alex Afrasiabi was a senior dev responsible for story development.

J. Allen Brack is the current President of Blizzard.


I believe it. They will work with the men to seem less like women and more like ‘one of the boys’. It’s their ticket to ensure the same crap doesn’t happen to them. Same as with people siding with school bullies so they don’t get their lunch money stolen.


Assuming you aren’t taking your position to purposely make people mad. I suggest you change what you are saying (without changing your meaning). Instead of saying I won’t believe in this investigation or trust the words of victim’s without proof. Try to say " This is a horrible event if true and should obviously be investigated and reported to the public".

That way your sentiment of being skeptical is kept without it seeming like you are being misogynistic


I get what you are saying, but I’m not going to bow down to others just because they want to form a mob

Of course it would very much be awful if true, but I’m not going to submit to the idea that it is true until its proven it is.


Yes the state of California spent 2 years using government resources to investigate and bring charges against a billion dollar corporation in their state that brings in significant revenue and employment… to appease the left?

Have you considered that maybe… they just found enough evidence that they could easily bring charges and win? Have you ever seen a state bring trumped up charges against a billion dollar corporation in their own state and lose?


Define reasonable… I see Car doing his thing. The other person that replied to your statement automatically believes the accusations.

I’m going to reserve judgement until I get a chance to review the evidence.


I get EA being really crappy to work for but what’s wrong with Rare? Legitimate question.

“Blah Blah Blah tough esport moment blah blah blah we will do better blah blah blah buy our stuff you clowns”


That was an… Unpleasant read.

If those allegations are true, Activision-Blizzard has become scummier than ever.


Is that not how the business world works?