Actions Taken to Curb Griefing by Repeatedly Leaving Groups

You have me signed and convinced this is the best fix.

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now you gotta figure out how to deal with people reporting players afk in bgs when they are not. good luck!

I don’t see how Bliz can possibly have the manpower available to make determinations like this subjectively. My money is on it being an algorithm that looks for people who repeatedly queue for and leave large numbers of keys because they still get credit/loot if the key is completed. i suspect there is a threshold number of keys and a percentage of keys not completed. for example, at least 100 keys and less than 20 percent completed. i doubt it takes into account if the person was the first to leave, if they went afk instead of leaving to force others to leave first, etc. because players who aren’t trying to farm keys in this fashion are unlikely to meet the criteria for suspension.

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and also deal with people who abuse vote kick in pugs. but we all know blizzard won’t lmao

But people will defend vote kick cause they want power to debuff people. People like being toxic to others.

This game should be renamed to World of Toxiccraft.


Not relevant to the topic at all.
Also if your getting votekicked, you probably are doing something to deserve it. its kind of hard to get votekicked.

whatever you say troll

I’m not the one getting votekicked :person_shrugging:

they’re punishing griefers, not leavers. and that’s a great question. Maybe they need another algorithm to tell them how many times someone is initiating a vote kick in a day and maybe suspend that privilege from them. Just like this forum there are only so many times per day you can tag something as trolling or spam. Maybe there needs to be a five per day limit on a vote kick. but let’s stop using the term leaver because they are only punishing people who are abusing the system and not people who are simply leaving a group.

Someone actually got banned, cause he didn’t wanna boost boosted bonobos in his freetime without getting paid for it. Absolutely hilarious and looking at Season 2 with an awful set of dungeons coming, where the only dungeons I don’t instantly get lightning herpes from are workshop, motherlode and maybe the new dungeon and now being OBLIGATED to FINSIH EVERY DUNGEON with BOOSTED THRASH PLAYERS or else THEY REPORT YOU and YOU can get BANNED for leaving this misery.

Yep… and now the hardcore noobs have power and can hold normal/skilled players hostage to boost them without paying for it, else they get banned. Fantastic job Blizzard.

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In whose logic?

So, you’re defining it as ‘griefing’?

Not vetting the other members of your group properly before you enter the dungeon.

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Pretty simple, people who have “run” (bought for money) every 10 key +1 or maybe +2 once, so this late in the season, if I see someone queuing and this person ran like less than 20 10 > keys, that’s an auto red flag and won’t be invited by me if it’s a main. There can surely be the chance this person didn’t play much/started the addon late, but what clusterbucks of terror I’ve witnessed this season, I rather don’t take any chances. Carrying hucklebarry the boy-scout paladin who can’t interrupt, cc, uses freedom without yelling at him to play his class, cleanse, use (and when to use) self cds and not being able to press his 4 blinking buttons aswell as having an astonishing over all dps of < 700k. And now those “elite” players can just report people, who don’t wanna carry their burden behinds, spending hour/s in a 10 > key, but are now obligated to do so, cause we now can get banned for leaving hostage hour/s long keys with LFR pro gamers, thanks Blizzard :slight_smile: .

In Blizz’s logic leaving a key is absolutely horrifying and a big NO NO now, but isn’t griefing, sorry knowingly griefing a big NO NO too? Knowing you are too incompetent to play 10 > keys and being a burden to your whole group, but now have the power to ban people who don’t wanna spend hour/s in a key?

Yes I do, or how would you call it, if some boosted bonobo steals hour/s from your worthy time, cause he now got the power to hold you hostage always having the fear to get banned for leaving this mess?

Well at this point in time, the only really vetting you can do/look at is basicially just “how many 10’s has this person played with this season almost being over” and that’s it. There are no logs to look over like you can with raids. Can’t perfectly filter out if the person you invited is a boosted burden unless you only invite 3000 > io people I guess /s.

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Stop doing high level keys with pugs then.

Take them into lower level keys first, see if they’re any good and make friends with the good ones, so you can do high level keys with your friends.

I mean should’ve mentioned it, I mainly run with a guild/friend grp, I rarely do pugs, but when I do I always have at least one person, who straight up mentally and skillwise, doesn’t even belong in an LFR raid. And it sickens me to see, that those creatures actually got the power to ban people now, who don’t wanna carry those burdens through despair and wiping hour/s long keys.

It’s a suspension, not a ban.

To even be detected, you have to intentionally join groups so as to leave them an excessive number of times.

Rarely doing pug groups is not going to get you anywhere near the threshold, you are worried over nothing.

I am talking about people who are suffering from it having no guild / core group and also limited time to play, cause of work.

  1. Calling people “those creatures” because you think they’re not as good at video games as you… That says more about you than it does about them.
  2. You’re getting hysterical over made up nonsense. Did you leave 10 keys in one day, like the only confirmed suspension we’ve seen in forums?

The only people who are suffering are the other people in their group.

Don’t intentionally join games to leave.