Actions Taken to Curb Griefing by Repeatedly Leaving Groups

Rules against ruining others experience have already existed. They are just enforcing it. How is that unjust?


Yet I see boosted people left & right, be it a boosted bonobo in a raid who has “curve”, but fails every mechanic there is on Queen & other bosses and doesn’t deliver, which you at least can check with logs, which you can’t with M+. If I have a heal who can’t keep the group up or/and dpses who can’t kick/use self cds/use cc’s, nor doing their 4 button rotation right, I am outta there.

I hope they enforce bans on boosted people too who basicially paid money to run havoc & be a burden to normal/skilled players.

How’d you feel to be in a LFR raid group decimated to the size of a dungeon group and now u’re FORCED/OBLIGATED to stay to boost 1 or more people through a mythic boss with LFR brained bonobo burdens? That’s how it feels for me when I have 500k (or less) overall dpses in my 10 > keys and I am leaving those.

I dont see how anything you just typed relates to the guy I was responding to. We are talking about rules that were already in effect.

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All that’s happened here is they’ve allowed the kids that show up to class without paper and pencil to hold the class hostage until everyone gives them paper and pencil.

And then retroactively punished people for not giving them the paper and pencil in the past.

And poorly defined what the criteria for getting punished is.

I’m all for a “key’s quit percentage” being made public so people can decide for themselves if someones a fit, but there are aspects of M+ like pushing IO where leaving a lot of keys is perfectly acceptable.

And ruining peoples experience is subjective. Coming into 8 this late in the season and not knowing boss mechanics ruins a lot of peoples experience. We going to start punishing them? If the rule is “ruining peoples experience” then they should.

There’s more leaving this season than in previous, and it’s probably due to the game moving the goal posts to require insane levels of gear and experience to be successful and massively incentivizing people to jump into high level keys without experience.

That’s a design problem, and they’re trying to band aid over it with this authoritarian, “YOU MUST CARRY THEM” rule that’s probably going to do two thing, push more people out of the game and cause people to screen players to an even greater extreme.


By the way what is a boosted people? I don’t M+ much but is curious what this means. I did some M+ in DF but with all the chaos going on I think I might hold off on M+ this expansion till they get rid of the bucket of worms that is happening.

Then we can agree on this.

The Deserter Debuff is the biggest issue with vote kick right now.

Mythic Keys being squandered by leavers is the second biggest issue.

Scaling is the third biggest issue.


So here’s the thing, I both agree and disagree. But where I disagree is that I currently have a deserter buff because I asked a hunter not to pull ahead in the dungeon while I was tanking. I didn’t feel the need to pull the boss, his three mobs, and 5 other mobs at the same time. That’s part of the big reason I hate tanking, and every so often I dip my toe in the water to test it again and it’s the same thing.

My job isn’t to catch everyone elses intentional screwups in the dungeon. And it’s certainly not to get kicked because I ask a dps to chill out and let me pull.

If we want to talk harming the experience…then that’s a part of it right there. Let the tanks do their role. Keep the dps in theirs. And no debuffs for getting kicked when dps are repeatedly and reckless disrupting dungeons.

No its a problem with certain people’s behavior. Its simple. They are holding people accountable for their actions. No one makes you act poorly.

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Basically another thing that’s gonna be exploited , it’s in fact worse than the quitters lockout (proven people were kick abusing and griefing that way)

….while I understand there is a need for deterrence but when Warden is flawed (I am not gonna argue with blizzard in regards as their input in regards to warden is biased……just do a simple web search and you can find numerous findings on warden)

This is another thing that could be abused …by how you may ask , example if you join a mythic + and let’s say your DPS is par but not good enough (opinionated) for the groups leader ….you get kicked and it’s an immediate game suspension

That’s just one example

Problem is warden may not pick up on this kind of player behavior and it could be a double edged sword ……what’s needed is more GM support and not some automated system……sadly most GMs either refuse to take action on anything in regards to the game , I remember when GMs could restore items lost and actually help with other in game problems now it’s “fill out a bug report” as their response !!!

Sadly after legion it feels like WoW is in a steep decline in regards to CS

I sure hope this only counts for leaving not being kicked !!!


Hey so why is it you only choose to punish leavers but not kickers? Also what’s the amount of leaving that brings on punishment, as opposed to purposely being so vague?

i bet you don’t respond to both of the questions.


You are a mage, Literally sit in the corner and spam AoE

  • Remove vote kick debuff.
  • Require minimum ilvl for content to prevent skill issue.
  • Get rid of mythic and add tiers to the normal dunegons already, add more mechanics and more health to the bosses and adds much like the way Diablo scales content.

Come on Blizzard, I want to give you all my money and WoW is my last game with you.


This right here.

I really liked the way you argue.

Boosting isn’t banned:

Individuals and guilds selling boost or assistance in raiding, dungeon, or PvP activities for gold is allowed but can only be advertised in-game through the Trade Services chat channel.

Nor should they. There is enough info in the post to act accordingly and not get suspended.

Some people think the group is accountable to them and they are entitled to the carry.

And some people think they are accountable to the group to be prepared and give their best effort to help the success of the group.

Guess which group has no issues and which group has a lot of problems with peoples behaviors?

what rule? they haven’t added any new rules. it was always against the rules to disrupt other players’ gameplay.


One could argue not knowing your class and the dungeon’s mechanics when you’re joining a +8 is disruptive to the group.


preaching to the choir, my friend! :slight_smile: