I pug enough 10s to fill vaults on two characters every week. 80% are timed, and the others are close enough no one really minds. If these culprits are joining so many bad groups that they have to leave 10 in one day, maybe they need to look in the mirror. Maybe THEY are the problem. Wouldn’t be the first time someone talking smack about bad players was really the problem themselves.
I fill my groups with 2500+ in decent gear and most of my keys are going fine. Some occasional hiccups, but mostly fine.
You are playing a silly video game. You arent better than anyone. Acting like this is a pretty bad look for you.
Now we have to punish players who perform poorly, if leaving is griefing, so is playing poorly and not doing your job. This was a poor precedent to set.
Leaving on it’s own isn’t griefing. The Blue post was clear that there was a lot more to it than that.
If the player isn’t a douche bag it should work out just fine.
i’m figuring that this number has to be pretty sizable.
while I am not too worried about it, i feel that this was too harsh of a first step.
institute a 30 minute leaver debuff that would show up in LFG.
make a disband option.
gives keys a number of charges, at least one, maybe as many as three
in addition, give us better tools to see the details of the group we are looking to join. we can see the key holder, but we should also be able to see the names and servers of the group members.
The thing I would change if i could is stop making people do types of content they don’t like in order to get the gear/crests to do the content they like. PVPers have to PVE to get the best PVP gear. Raiders have to do keys to advance. Etc. People who like doing keys are naturally going to be better at them compare to those forced to do them to get crests for upgrades and to open mythic vault slots so they can progress in raid. And with the time pressure of keys, it’s going to lead to a lot of frustration.
I never experienced griefing in m+. People leave but that’s not griefing.
And delete E-Sports from the game. Esports don’t belong on WoW. Esports is creating most of the problems cause WoW is supposed to be a RPG not some competition race to 1st place game. WoW is not a racing game so why are we treating it like one?
I don’t see the appeal racing to first place to max out gear on Season 1 and 2. When your not going to get any trophies for making 1st or 2nd place.
Well for me griefing is basicially (knowingly) joining a 8 farm key or a 10 weekly key and doing 700k or less overall dps, while failing everything on top of that like, ccing, kicking, googling mid key what a self cd is and not being able to press your 4-5 button rotation, while also not knowing what the dungeon does, the mobs in there and the bosses. That for me is the definition of griefing and those people now have the power to hold people hostage, cause they might get banned for (rightfully) leaving this clown key and not wanting to spend hour/s in 8/10 keys. I am lucky having a guild where I can run as 5 smoothly while giggling in voice or listen to music, but people who don’t have a guild and even worse people with limited time on their hands I feel sorry for. Running keys random nowadays is literally russian roulette at this point.
Agreed, total non sense. And it isn’t even a fair playing field whatsoever. Method, Echo & Liquid are sponsored, have catered setups for world firsts, mostly unemployed (streamers) no lifers with maybe 4-5 players who take 1-2 weeks off work raiding 12+ hours each day, having a 25-30 roster for situational bosses and having each class 10 times on max lvl with full heroic/m+ gear for every spec that might get buffed / is already completly overtuned & broken. How can any guild compete with that, oh almost forgot the 100s of millions of gold they “legally” buy.
Thank you so most of forum posters. Dont worry u csn leave any time you want and wont be banned. The suspension is for people intentionally joining and leaving once timer goes off. At least thats how i understand it. I left multiple keys and will do so if we not gona time or if people are underperforming to the point we are wiping 2+ times on a boss.
We gucci.
I think it doesn’t matter why you leave esp. with Blizz’s “great” (many reports = ban) automated ban system. Obviously those ***** who join a key and instantly leave it when started should get banned, but yeah some of those people I already blocked here are mentally “well” . Some even said “why not finish a 12 > key after wiping the first important pull with all cds, pot and BL” actual
Yeah but people in comments can barely time 4-11… 12 are the “elitists” and “toxic players”.
Let them live in their own forum world where their post count is higher than RIO lmao.
100% agree with what u said.
Probably “elite” LFR players proud of hitting those 200k boss dps with 615 gear and 4 set bonus . Have a nice day bud
How does one get only 200k in 615-619 gear? They not using any attacks and just auto attacking?
They are pressing sorry clicking a button each 10-20 seconds and feel “that’s enough I am doing my part” I guess .
What? No we don’t.