Do you mean companion pets? If so, yes, they existed in vanilla (and will be in WOW Classic.) They are items that go in your inventory, rather than appearing in a tab, and there are no pet battles, or stats, for them.
One of my favorites, which I’ll be collecting again, is the worg pup. He used to randomly select one of three colors when summoned - and I would call him over and over to get black.
Not my intention.
But putting the reward candy on the screen will motivate a huge portion of players to engage… having it on your napkin at home will not. Few players have that much of a sense of accomplishment to alter the game as much as a screen shiny.
yes I mean companions not battle pets
What you will have the option of doing is taking screenshots. Yes. Screenshots. Hit the print key and voila! You now have a neat pic of that exact moment in time.
You are now free to come to the forums and say “hey guys look at what I achieved!” You can even play with a photo editor and add a banner/toast and call it whatever you want. Heck you can post it on any social media and receive some glory! Maybe some flame but meh.
Think of it as a customizable achieve system. You’re welcome.
/Chuckles Merrily
/digs his paws into his bags of Copper
Oh the Popcorn sold so well!!!
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Do you also have caramel corn?
Most assuredly, as long as it’s considered a Classic Popcorn it is available
yeah don’t care. keep your filthy achievements out of classic.
the last thing i want is “LF2M MC, need Achievement”.
no. achievements were not vanilla, and they don’t belong in classic.
Came here to say this.
Achievements would contribute nothing to the game besides gatekeeping. They weren’t in vanilla, why would they add them in Classic, a project meant to replicate Vanilla as closely as possible?
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Another 0 post poster gets over 100 replies with a pure troll thread.
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My favorite was the cockroach from UC.
Also, I had a hawk owl on my Horde character acquired via neutral AH in ratchet for a discount (*cough) price.
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how would it gate keep in any way what so ever??
I was not trolling, I legit thing they should be added (ONLY if they took the rewards for getting achievements out, just so it is a record of all your successes)
I did not know screenshots where in classic, game is so old compared to today’s day and age.
That’s MY reason for not wanting it (highlighted word above). They would have to write code to put it in where no code for it exists in Classic:WoW. And that would open the door for all manner of screw-ups. Think about it … all the new code that is written for a new xpac, the problems that crop up in Alpha, Beta, and PTR testing, that make it into live when the xpac is released.
I’d much rather have only what was there originally than to give Blizzard an opportunity to screw the pooch and turn a good experience into a series of “fixes” and “patches” to correct things that wouldn’t happen if they had just kept their hands off of it. It’s going to be “iffy” as it is with all the work they had to do to make it compatible with the current architecture; no sense in compounding problems.
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“LF_____, link achieve for invite” this was actually a thing for a little while.
blink blink did you think those pictures of computer screens in magazines were taken with a camera? Heck, even if the game itself didnt have a screenshot option Windows did.
I see what you mean about the achievement gate keeping, that is disgusting that people would do that. SMH!
Also I was joking with the screenshot reply, that was a good idea though
I see what you mean and sometimes the benefits outway the risks. They have to do a lot of it from scratch again, don’t think it is just a copy and paste from vanilla lol
Cool~ thanks for sharing! (:
NOTHING should be added. Nothing at all.
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