Achievements in Classic WoW

LMAO! Nuice one bruh!

That’s not actually what they said.

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Do you have a link or proof they said otherwise? I am more inclined to believe the person who is actually trying to help than the one who is mindlessly spitting nonsense out that is not helping anyone. If you have proof they did not say that please share it.

Sure, go ahead and read my sticky FAQ at the top of the main page - there’s lots of links and sources in there.

They said that they will not be allowing add-ons that were not in the spirit of Vanilla and specifically called out add-ons that automate playing - an achievement style add-on would have to parse the data from somewhere, which means it can be stored and viewed offline - thereby leading to the same “provide proof of achievement” garbage we started seeing in WOTLK.

Obviously nobody but Blizzard knows for sure, but it would fit very well into the theme of add-ons they will not be allowing.


Oh that’s some spurious reasoning. No tracking addon could ever be visible by outside players. The only reason they can in retail is because you can see Achievements that blizzard makes visible by the API.

My character is my achievement.


And, if they made a tracker that uploaded to a website so people can see what you did, I 100% wouldn’t use it. Just like I won’t use gearscore addons. My stuff is for me only.

I’ll let u feel the achievement of not wanting to log in again after being corpse camped all week.


Assuming most people want to play on PVP servers.

While achievements gave me something to pursue as I started getting bored of the game in WotLK, at some point I realized that it turned into its own wretched mini game and began to long for the days when we just played the game and had fun.

Don’t get me wrong, some achievements were really cool (e.g. Battlemaster), but some of them just felt tedious and while some folks just naturally earned achievements as they played, some literally tailored their gameplay around them. I remember specifically doing a Heroic in WotLK and the tank leaving the group during a boss encounter and wiping us because someone had done something to mess up the boss achievement. That may be an extreme case, but the point is there’s some people that will sacrifice everything on the altar of achievements.

Good riddance to them in Classic.


I was going to give a level headed response to this thread, but then I opened up the post that was burried and saw your immature and vulgar insults. I hope you enjoy your ban, and I hope it’s a long one

:hammer: :slight_smile:


People who need achievements in a game to enjoy it are sad people. I remember the days when people actually understood the game was the reward. Guess people prefer getting achievements for petting x amount of critters over actual content

This. The toxic environment that began to arrive from AOTC-Only groups and add-ons like Gearscore and Raider .io is something I would lile to avoid for as long as possible. And opening that door can start with small, subtle things like Achievement Points.


Watch the video for five seconds. I’ve timestamped it and everything.


I don’t think you understand what. “spurious” means - it’s entirely logical to think it would happen, and would thusly be excluded.

You may disagree with it, but it’s completely logical.

How would other players be able to see what your addon tracks in game?

They wouldn’t - but if the add-on became prevalent it would almost certainly have a public facing database like the Armory started with. Then people will want to see it before they let you do runs etc. It’s exactly how WOTLK began going down that path.

And THAT is the reason I don’t think they would allow the add-on.

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So you’re talking about two different things.

  1. I already addressed this in a different post.

  2. You have a problem with addons that create a public database, not a tracking addon.

Actually, it was never the rewards that irked me about the Achievement system. When they added it, I remember dungeon mentality shifting. I would enter as tank or healer and have members of the group insisting on doing specific things to get an Achievement, sometimes bailing on the group if the Achievement was failed even if a boss was downed.

Additionally, it encourages a certain mindset I prefer not to be around - the “look at my achievement” and “we’re not taking you along unless you have this achievement”. Some like it, and Retail is full of it. I’ll be glad to get away from it finally.

The most explanation you’re likely to get is what they said at the BlizzCon panel. (Check out around 34:30 in the video linked here: ***EVERYTHING We Definitively Know about Classic***)
(1) They weren’t added until WotLK, so even if the code is there, the data isn’t.
(2) While it seemed innocuous, it layered on motivations - and vanilla Azeroth is a world that didn’t need those extra motivations.


Woah wooooh WOAH, hold up there. Elitist check’s have been around way before WotLK. Checking gear on Org bank roof was a thing in vanilla. It will be a thing in Classic and will always be a thing.

As far as addons, we don’t know about the armory. If there is armory profiles there will be addons.