Achievements in Classic WoW

Can we be friends? I have not seen kindness like that in a while and I would like to be friends, especially if you plan on playing classic! haha!
If you would also like to be friends; how do we add each other?

In case you are serious, a quick (not all encompassing) reason, is the following:

Achievements existing alters how groups form and how people interact as well as creates incentives to do specific things. This is in contrast with how Vanilla panned out, and what people are wanting to get out of playing Classic.

for example: LF2M strat dead link 45 min run achievement


OHHH That is a good idea, I see now! Thanks! That makes a lot of sense!

Don’t give troll comments unless you want a troll comment in return. Unless you have something nice to say don’t say anything at all.

a troll hiding behind being ignorant, great



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A handful should be good! Do you have Sprite? I could use some at 6:01am

1.) Because it wasn’t in Vanilla, and that’s reason enough.

2.) Because it DOES change gameplay, spend 30 seconds thinking about it and figure out how.

3.) On the off chance you’re referring to a version of Achievements that is both not visible to other people AND non-linkable…why? Just keep track on a piece of paper.


OH! I did not know that! Where can I find it?

I don’t want achievements, but I would like a tracking system, to know what my character has done/not done. A tracking system that only I can see, and won’t be public.


Im sorry, are you calling my 5 man solo boss kill on a thursday whilst blindfolded and only a spork as a weapon a stupid life accomplishment? Let’s see what bosses you killed on a thursday with a spork! AND WAS IT DONE WITH A BLINDFOLD ON? I THINK NOT!

Get a pen and paper.

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I’ll probably just get an addon thank you very much.

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I knew this Popcorn stand was going to make me some Copper!

/Cackles Gleefully


I’d be very surprised if they let an add-on like that into Classic honestly.

The only addons they said they would ban are the ones that play the game for you.

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To quote Don Johnson from the tragically underrated “Tin Cup”, until achieves…"it never even occurred to me to try:.

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That is enough!

Don’t waste your time on the peasants they don’t even know how to write nor do they have anything better to do with their lives than troll random people on the internet. An add-on is a great idea!

Well try going blindfold in a dungeon with only a spork on your person, you might achieve great things!