Sorry if this is a repeat post.
I wanted to just say I don’t want achievements, transmogs, ect… in Classic. However, I do want achievements, transmogs, ect… FROM Classic to apply to my WoW account. Or maybe just transmogs and mounts.
Hmm let’s just act like you aren’t trolling for a second… this has been declared as never going to happen so you don’t need to worry about it.
which part? No Xmogs so, I’m aware of that. But what about applying things to your WoW account? I’ve seen no info on that aspect.
Every single interview/discussion at blizzcon someone asked if items in classic will transfer over to retail for collectors… they said over and over and over again “There will be no connection between the games whatsoever, no xmog, no achievs, no titles, nothing”.
They even said it sometimes when it wasn’t even asked.
cool, thanks – I don’t go to blizz con nor do I sit and watch their feeds.
Or scroll dowm the page some
The thing that people don’t like about this concept (which I agree is a valid concern), is that you could have players coming over purely to get a specific achievement/transmog, and who are then never seen again on that particular Classic server.
I certainly hope they don’t do that. Cause that will attract tons of Retail players who don’t want to play Classic, but will still do so just to grind and unlock things for retail. It will poison Classic.
These things are generally posted places for you to read up on for updates so you don’t have to watch the whole thing. It’s probably better to do that than make a thread on a thousand things that have been confirmed already =D
Can’t wait for the way utter disappointment for some players.
You mean I have to play the game just because I like the actual gameplay with no other added benefits? Wtf is this? 1985?
Or even put forth the modicum.of effort required to do a forum search which would have yielded the answers she sought.
Some people have a typical retail mindset and apparently felt they are entitled to have the answers they seek to be spoonfed to them.

Sorry if this is a repeat post.

Sorry if this is a repeat post.
I wanted to just say I don’t want achievements, transmogs, ect… in Classic. However, I do want achievements, transmogs, ect… FROM Classic to apply to my WoW account. Or maybe just transmogs and mounts.
This has been covered and the answer is it’s detrimental to the classic community and no
I can live with “No”. I’m still excited for Classic either way.
This won’t happen. Move along.
Stop bumping your own threads.
We may see an achievement in retail like “get to level x in classic to earn a reward for your retail account” but that’s about the extent of it.
Nope, it was even explained at blizzcon.