Accout refusing to let me play the game

log into launcher, launch game. shows dragonflight until it logs into a server, then spits out dragonflight says i have no game and says i need to buy a subscription.

I have similar. I have account I play and an older locked one (long story). Every time I use launcher it goes to the locked one (used to display at bottoms both). If I load the game manually I can pick, log in (needs me to use authenticator) but everything is there.

Go to account page on website and check account looks ok (mine did). Try manually not via launcher as well as that got me in.

Issue only started about 2 hours ago

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Same here. Games boots up as a Starter Edition account. I can’t switch it in the Battle Net App and I know I have an active sub…why???

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Same thing happened to a guildy, they said deleting the cache folder solved the issue.

Looks like others having issues as well (mine keeps pointing to wrong version). Could this be my account was hacked? (edit spelling) - #3 by Mistinyte-alexstrasza

I have not deleted cache but right clicking the Wow icon in launcher is letting me open both and close wrong one


Rather than that particular post only laying out what was wrong, there are suggestions too as to fixing things.

If you haven’t completely killed off all traces of WoW/Bnet Launcher in your Task Manager, give that a try. Or just give your computer a full on reboot.

For some reason, it has been running multiple instances of the program(s) and that’s a big thing that’s causing the issues. So give those a try - not just clearing your cache. Once you restart your launcher THEN you may still have to deal with making sure it’s logging you into the right account/game version, but it shouldn’t be an issue for it to stick rather than booting into another inactive account.