Account wide rep makes us play more not less

Honor still affects modern gameplay and gearing.

Old Legacy reputation doesn’t.

im just using the honnor merger as a example of 1 way to do it. at the end of legion they made it account wide and any levels your toons had were all added up and that combined number became what you account was. i went from like 13ish since i forgot the exact number my main got to 84. so for rep it would just be adding up all them and for most old reps everything would probably end up being set to exalted or close

I don’t know if Blizzard would do that.

I would prefer that they just add it all up as that would help me get a lot of Revered turned to Exalted.

Op… I agree… Especially now with professions.

Thanks, i’ll watch that interview

Stop trying to take away things for me to do just because you don’t want to do them.

How would accountwide rep take something you want to do away from you?

If you’re saying you won’t NEED to do them then, then do you truly WANT to do it?

What I’m asking for brings more to do. People aren’t bothering with rep grinds for the most part. I’m not. But if it’s accountwide many including myself will do it.

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I already grinded the rep. So what am I asking to get for nothing? I already put the work in.

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What’s the point of having an army of alts if you can’t do anything but gear grind on them? And god knows y’all’s lazy butts will be coming after that next since you don’t want to grind gear on more than one character. (In fact, I’ve heard it already on the forums.)

I don’t want account-wide anything. It’s already like that for mounts and pets and heirlooms which is SAD. We play characters, not accounts. I want my army of alts to have purpose and their own distinct choices. Not welfare giveaways that make it easy for people to switch from character to character depending on what the flavor of the month is.

Put in the work, get the reward. Why play a game if you’re not going to actually play it???


Woah talk about an outdated thought process.


Is it truly outdated to ask people to work for a reward rather than just give it to them? Seriously, what is the purpose of even downloading a game if you’re not going to actually play it?

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Your conclusions are flawed. What I’m asking for is to do more work. As it is the systems blizz designed are not being used. Hence no effort being put in to them. By linking account rep, I will be doing more work to get them done since it benefits my account.

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Your weird crying aside, again… What does accountwide rep take away from you? It must not be enjoyable for you if you need character specific rep to do those things.

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I’m the one crying? That’s rich.

I already explained what it took away from me. Things to do in this game. (That’s right, there’s a person out there willing to play.)

Reading is fundamental.

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Who asked?

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I play more if rep isn’t account wide because I play my alts then. If not for the rep I wouldn’t be play them and since I don’t raid or do dungeons it would become a am I getting enough out of this game to play it issue.

If you change you main in 2 days you haven’t put in a lot of time so it shouldn’t make a difference you lose 2 days of progress.

It is what a lot of people asked for and it is a good compromise between the two groups - one of which would love to have nothing account wide.

I can apply that logic to any topic in general forums.

This thread took a really weird and selfish turn.

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