Account Wide Ignore on Forums

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but if someone is being confrontational or hard to reason with, It’s best to just ignore and not respond. That way there’s no further interaction that could devolve. But it still does not give anyone the right to tell others not to engage with a poster. That’s a form of toxicity too.

I’m unaware of any of that but wouldn’t this issue be solved by just ignoring the person?

I’m just confused on why someone would respond to someone they don’t like, receive a response they don’t like, act surprised and start demanding changes, when all of this could be avoided by just ignoring/reporting the offender.

So you’re telling me to ignore them and not engage?


Why not share the other half, you know the part past the comma?

Want to know why I stated this?

They have devolved plenty of threads with this game of derailing. You do get that the entitlement to post applies to everyone right?

It amazes me every time I see people who want to live in a glass house, who toss stones all the time, and wonder why people actually stand up to it?

Oh my did you like a post clearly violating the rules you keep sharing? :scream:
Or the other night when you went off and asked if I took my meds? I know plenty flagged you on that one, I didn’t.

But once again T, happy gaming! You should play more and really experience more than the forums.


Kind of like how people hide their forum profile but the posts are all public and the forum search feature lets you look at them all. You just can’t see the other metrics associated with the account summary.

Nothing we do is private and Blizz owns it all.

Correct, but it is easily available on the other forums if you hover over the avatar or click the profile link.

That said, the most they can do is send a request once that you ignore and that is rare. REALLY rare.

Unlike posting on char-server in which people can contact you without your permission and add you to the in-game friends list without permission.

I wish I had some sort of inkling of what you’re talking about so I could see who you think I’m an alt of and laugh accordingly.

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It’s fine how it is, I already miss the original forums without up/down votes.

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There is no financial gain in this so they won’t do it.

If I want to be totally cynical and mercenary I can explain how it would bring in more money for Blizz. Think about it - one Bnet account even with only one license has 50 (or 150 with classic?) characters to post on under one sub.

Take that away and a person needs another Bnet account with a WoW license and sub on it in order to have a second forum persona.

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They should just change it to use your battletag like all the others but allow you to pick a character to post on. You would see the character but also the battletag.


I gave up trying to convince anyone that I’ve never posted on any alts. It’s no use trying to be logical with someone whose goal is to paint others in a bad light :man_shrugging:. Plus it’s kind of entertaining watching one put together a fabricated story with broken logic.

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That’s what I said, too! :smiley:

Apparently that’s a horrible idea to some, as they somehow claim that creates more harassment. :woman_shrugging:t4:


It allows people the way to keep their toon fantasy, but it helps us to know who we are engaging with as well.

What I meant to say, but I think in French, it’s a blessing and a curse.

You’re not wrong, it’s indeed quite entertaining. Sad, but entertaining.

Anonymity is how blizz forums work.
Why do you think they released classic toons on forums.
This is intended by them to people can feel free to post their honest opinions without the threat of being lynched in game/forums. Yes you do get trolls but it’s not better than the alternative.

Blizzard doesn’t want you to be able the ignore an entire account.

This is the same in game

Yes they do. Every other Blizzard forum posts by Battletag. One account, one posting name.

This is the ONLY exception.

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Yeah, that’s a load. I’ve been on these forums since they have existed and not once has anyone ever contacted me in game.

If you think I haven’t posted things people haven’t liked…

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The tin foil is strong with this one.


Ignores are account-wide in-game now. The difference though is that in-game ignores are going to do a much worse job at outing someone else’s alts than forum ignores will, so it’s not such a big deal there.

because it would take away the weapon of accusing someone of being someone else’s alt to “evade ignore”

In-game ignore is not account wide. Not in the way you assume it is. In-game ignore only functions on a character - to ignored person’s account level. It does not work account vs account level. If you ignore someone on one character and then jump onto an alt that is known by the ignored account user, they can still whisper you on that alt and you will see their text per normal.

I have tested this. Yes, it is stupid that it works this way.